Sore hip joints


Dec 17, 2011
I've been barefoot running for about a year without issue, averaging around 10 easy miles per week (10-11 m/m). I took nearly 3-weeks off during the holidays, and have been back on my easy average of 10 miles per week for the last two weeks.

Just since the holidays, I've noticed hip (joint) soreness that I haven't had before - especially in the mornings. My knees, ankles, feet, back (and everything else) is fine, so I don't think my form is too bad. The weather here has been especially mild - my runs are usually in 60-deg sunny weather, so I don't think cold is an issue.

Over the couple months, I have been riding a single speed mountain bike on the weekends. This requires low cadence/high force pedaling going up hills. Perhaps this is contributing to soreness, however I only feel sore after running, not biking. Again, no issues with knees with this.

Just wondering, if there are any stretches, excersizes or preventative stuff I could/should be doing?
Tight glutes cause mine to be

Tight glutes cause mine to be sore occasionally. Try out a foam roller or pvc and give them a good working. A massage may help. Although it's not popular with some folks here, I stretch them out too, stuff like the pigeon pose.

Also if you are sitting all day get up more frequently and move around often.
Ya know..I had been

Ya know..

I had been religiously rollering my backside, but got out of the habit a few weeks ago - right about the same time the hip soreness started. I'm almost embarrassed I didn't make the connection. I 'm going to roller as soon as I get home tonight.

Wow - Sage advice.

Thank you!
Just a quick follow-up: I

Just a quick follow-up:

I have re-established my roller routine (as Abide suggested), and the hip sorness is gone. Good call - you nailed it!
I always hear people talk about the foam rollers. What exactly do you mean, and what are you doing with them? I apologize if this sounds daft.
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So that's what those are for. I've seen ones with textures on them. Is there any benefit to having one that looks like a foamy meat tenderizer over a smooth one?
there is a bit of a difference. i've been able to use a few. while a foam roller is nice and feels great i found a big black pipe from HD works even better at a third the cost. thanks to the short white guy for that advice. no foam necessary on it. 2x4 about $10 compared to about $30 for foam.
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