Slight Tibial Varum Problem


Nov 23, 2011
Hi everybody. I have a question regarding my new adventures in barefoot/minimalist shoe running. If there is a better forum for me to put this question, just let me know.

I have been running for about ten years, but in the last few years, whenever I have tried to extend my mileage beyond 3-5 miles a couple of times a week, I have had trouble with my right IT band. I have been working with a physical therapist who specializes in running for the past two months, and she thinks my problems will go away with some increased hip strength and a quicker running cadence. The quicker cadence is, of course, in line with the natural running technique encouraged by barefoot running, which excited me because I had just recently finished reading Born To Run and wanted to go in that direction. She encouraged me to try minimalist shoes, which I did, but then things got complicated. Apparently, I have a slight tibial varum (bow-leggedness of the tibias), which causes a pinching of the tendons underneath my outside ankles when I run barefoot or in shoes with no support. It's hard to explain, but basically I'm looking for a pair of minimalist style shoes to encourage the quicker cadence and forefoot striking, but that offer some medial support. I have tried the new Brooks PureCadence, but they didn't fit my foot well and caused some pain on the outside of my foot.

Has anyone else out there had this problem, and/or does anyone have any shoe recommendations? Thanks! I'd love any advice because I really don't want to go back to the "normal," chunkier running shoe if I don't have to.
Steve, you are correct in


you are correct in all your assessments. shortening the stride reduces tension on IT band as does landing stable under the center of mass. The tibial varum is a unique feature for you but with proper strength and stabilty training (lots of single leg balance) you can overcome it.

Dr. Mark
Thanks, Dr. Mark.  My

Thanks, Dr. Mark. My physical therapist gave me some single leg hopping exercises, so I will continue with those and see how things progress.