Running shorts?

The compression short liners

The compression short liners that I just started using are similar to a boxer brief, only different material and much thinner than tru compression shorts. I am amazed at how much of a difference they made for me when running. They would not be good to wear without shorts though, might offend the general public as they are pretty thin and the junk might be somewhat visible....
I wear moisture wicking boxer

I wear moisture wicking boxer breifs on every run under my shorts even though my shorts have liners. There'll be no chaffing here. I get mine at Target and they are great. Much cheaper than the Under Armor ones which are great but for half the price and, what I feel is similar results, I like these CG brand.
Barefoot Gentile wrote:bubba

Barefoot Gentile said:
bubba hotep said:
I tried running an ultra in a pair of regular shorts that just had a normal liner and the results were disastrous. The liner rubbed the boys raw and then, post race, the raw boys were oozing and that later dried to the liner. My shorts and I had become one... needless to say, trying to take them off was less than enjoyable.

I never ran an ultra, but I can totally see having an issue like that with the liner. For a marathon I lay on the body glide really thick all over where the liner lays, works great, but I am sure for an ultra you would need to re-apply.

Another thing I do which is really comfy and eliminates chaffing, and probably a good thing to wear for an ultra. I cut the liner out of the running shorts and wear Under Armour Compression boxers, it's nice combo.
I tried compression shorts once but became convinced they were causing my hip to hurt. I hopped off to the side of the trail and took them off. You know what is hard? Running 30 miles and then trying to discretely undress and redress on the side of the trail! I actually haven't had any issues since upgrading my shorts. I don't even lube anymore.
I'm a compression shorts guy

I'm a compression shorts guy hands down! I got some nice BCG brand compression shorts from Academy among I love them. Of course I wear then under running shorts, mid thigh length usually.

Now if I could get to the weight I want to be at, I would consider wearing the borat thong suit thing....

Oh, and the Texas flag shorts idea is AWESOME!!!!!
I changed my av. Look:

I changed my av. Look: SHORTS! :)

edit: er, no, wait a minute. Something went kerflooey there. Click my av and then you'll see my profile, where my av suddenly changes to SHORTS! Not sure how to proceed from here in getting my av to update correctly.
Yeah, I think I am gonna go

Yeah, I think I am gonna go to the local run store where I still have a gift card and see if I see anything to my liking that is a bit shorter.

Hopefully I can get a run in them today. Of course I can't imagine the kids reaction arond our neighborhood. We live on the edge of the city and the kids are mostly kids who seem to wish they were growing up in the hood then go into their 2500 square foot house and play ps3 all afternoon... anyhow... they get a good chuckle at my barefeet. Now I can be short short barefoot guy!
I'll email Matt for you,

I'll email Matt for you, Willie. He's our web guy, best ever! He can help you figure it out.
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In order to see Willie's new avatar, you have to refresh your screen, everyone. Once you do that after accessing a page his post appears on, it will show the new avatar. Otherwise, you won't see his new avatar on this page until you do, but you should be able to see it in the next post of his you view.
My wife bought some lululemon

My wife bought some lululemon yoga pants and said they had dude stuff. Pffft, whatever (I'm thinking).

She bought me a pair of their men's running shorts and they have been SPECTACULAR! Just the right amount of "cupping", ZERO chafing, lots of retro-reflective material in the shorts (not sewn on) which is great as I run a lot in the early am when its dark.

Now I have three pair of shorts and a long sleeve running shirt.

Very expensive, but my boys are worth it.

Check it out, you won't be sorry!

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