Running and....gaining weight?

Liam, Over the last four


Over the last four years I have lost 55 lbs. since my heaviest weight -by making the following changes to my diet.

I started eating more when I ran because I "thought" I could eat more, not because I was actually hungrier. Once I realized this and changed it, I did start to lose a little weight from running. But I have only lost about 5 lbs. in nine months.

I agree with saypay and Nick that weightloss is not a simple matter of calories in and calories out, it's all about what the calories are compromised, and a wide variety of other factors that are far too numerous to list.

I agree your carbs are way too high. I ditched 80% of the fruit I used to eat (I used to eat 2 pieces or more of fruit a day). Now I eat tiny piece of fruit (like a couple figs or prunes) a couple times a week. I attribute 4 lbs. of my weightloss just from decreasing my fruit. When you do eat wheat, watermelon and strawberries are best.

Oatmeal is super high in carbs and you should cut the amount your eating at least in half.

You need to eat actual nuts (not peanut butter -and NOT peanuts- almonds are best) and you also need to start eating a lot more seeds. Preferably raw. Pumpkin, sesame, hemp, flax, chia, etc. They are SUPER filling.

If you REALLY want to kick off some weight, stop eating dairy and wheat. You will lose the most weight from dropping those.

I only eat fish and seafood, with occasional turkey.

I hate veggies. So I eat that nasty green powder stuff. And I choke down a few carrots and celery. Carrots are really high in carbs too.

Well, I guess everyone is

Well, I guess everyone is different. I eat a lot of full-fat dairy, yoghurt, milk, butter and it keeps me full for a long time, just like any healthy fat. I do agree that raw nuts are best and whole is better than ground because the fat in nuts goes rancid faster from grinding and from roasting. I also think that exploring some non-traditional grains like quinoa, millet and amaranth are worth it. Even for people who can digest wheat it is better to have variety.
Jen - Congratulations! And

Jen - Congratulations!

And JimWB also makes a great point. Water weight alone can vary significantly. Water weighs roughly 8 pounds per gallon. On a healthy day, most of us should take in between 2 and 4 quarts of water. So the math works out, at 4 quarts per gallon, at roughly 2 pounds per quart, or 1 pound per 16.9-oz standard water bottle.

A tiny amount of mental gymnastics will tell you that if you drink, oh, say 5 water bottles' worth in a day, you are affecting your weight by 5 pounds to the positive. Now you will get rid of much of that naturally through one means or another, but you can see how that wide a weight swing makes a 2 pound daily swing fairly immaterial in the scheme of a 165 pound person whose weight will naturally fluctuate throughout the day by as much as 4 or 5 pounds.
I lost 20 lbs in 1 year from

I lost 20 lbs in 1 year from 180 lbs to 160 with eating 3500 calories per day, but I only ate what I thought was healthy. Raw foods are key. It's kind of odd at a party when everyone else is eating cake and I'm the only one who doesn't. I worked out doing cardio and resistance 6 days per week, burning about 600 calories per day. I'm now at 12% body fat. No gimmicks, just hard work.

That's awsome Jim! I hope I

That's awsome Jim! I hope I can get down to 180 this year, 170 is my ultimate goal, but I'll be happy getting down to 180 for this year.

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