Questions on fatigue and transitioning.

Cali Girl

May 12, 2010
Hi all!

I've been feeling fatigued and am not sure why but figure it has something to do with diet and increasing my exercise again. I'm vegetarian and have been trying to cut back on junk to lose a few pounds but feel as though I'm getting enough of all the important stuff I'm just not sure though and so would appreciate any thoughts/ideas you all might have. I've been vegetarian for just under a year and overall feel much better than I ever did so I'm a bit clueless as to what is going on.

Also, do I need to start as gradually back into BFR after a winter in VFF's or is it not much of an issue other than possible hot spots/blisters until the tissue has thichened back up again?

Thanks for an and all advice!
Um, dumb idea, but could you

Um, dumb idea, but could you be sick? A low-level cold or mild walking pneumonia can leave you fatigued without totally shutting you down. Just a notion. Hope it gets better...
When I was away from BFR all

When I was away from BFR all those many weeks/months after having surgery then what I believe was a bad reaction to some meds (which I am still dealing with), I had to start very low and build back up, meaning 1 mile, 2 miles, 3 miles... I consider myself to have a lot of experience running barefoot, so if I had to basically start over, I would think you should too.

Try having a baked potato the night before a run (especially once you get your mileage up). (Brown rice is another good one.) I find that I have lots more energy and muscle strength when I have a complex carb like a potato the night before. With complex carbs, unlike sugary simple carbs, the fuel is stored in your muscles and released as you need it, that is while working the muscles.
@stomper -- I don't feel

@stomper -- I don't feel sick, but I do have kids who bring all those funky germs home from school so I guess anything is possible. lol

@TJ -- I eat quite a bit of complex carbs but will for sure start paying attention and make sure I am doing so the night before.

Thank you both!
Be sure to drink plenty of

Be sure to drink plenty of water each day.

Vitamin D is something many folks are not getting enough of. D3 is the type that most resembles the sun.

Lack of these things can certainly cause fatigue type feeling.
I don't want to jump to crazy

I don't want to jump to crazy conclusions and freak you out BUT...about a year and a half ago I started feeling more and fatigued after runs. I went from easily doing 15-20km to being ready to head home after 4-5km. I ended up having a blood test done and was diagnosed with iron deficiency. It's a fairly common problem with women and is even more commen with endurance atheletes, and not eating meat only adds to the "risk." Like I said, I don't want to freak you out (although iron deficiency is EASILY treatable, if that's what it turns out to be!), but if the problem doesn't go away soon, it may be worth it to have a blood test done.
My doctor had me get blood

My doctor had me get blood drawn for this test. That was how I found out I needed more vit D. This is a good test to get done generally. It can pin point what ya need more of, and don't need more of. Think ya need a different test though for iron. For some reason the comp 5000 does not cover iron levels.
Yes, get the blood test

Yes, get the blood test done. If they show you have an iron deficiency and you need to take in more iron, be sure you take in the one that doesn't cause constipation. There are two types of iron, and one of them can really mess you up.

I had a blood test done a long time ago, and they found that I have/had a Vitamin D deficiency. I posted this to one of your previous threads back in May of last year here, you may remember. I talk about fatigued muscles, but H.E. brings up another cause of general tiredness, so I thought I'd copy it here as well.


I've posted this before, elsewhere. I too drink a ton of milk and spend countless hours outside. Even in winter, I wear short sleeves, since I get hot easy when I run. Just something to think about. Next time you're at the docs, ask for this specific test.

A low level/Vitamin D deficiency can cause extreme muscle weakness that will not resolve on its own. Be sure they ask for a blood test to check your Vit D level, specifically 25(OH)D.

For everyone to consider when dealing with issues of tight calf muscles: This advice is not such a on...

I had also experienced extreme muscle fatigue and tightening in my calves while running. My neurologist (treating for Morton's Neuroma) ran some blood work and found that I also had a Vitamin D deficiency. It was strange since I had been taking 1,000 IU of Vit D per night for the past half year. I did a lot of research to find out what to do about my problem. Apparently, they're finding out that the 400 IU per day the government feels is adequate isn't so, according to one article I read. The article stated that 93% of people who go to the emergency room (for whatever reason) are Vit D deficient. There may just be a hidden epidemic here. I found that doctors prescribe 50,000 IU once per week for those with Vit D deficiency. (I read on some of the Vit D discussion forums that some people experienced head aches, tremors, etc., when taking high doses of Vit D all at once.) So I decided to take 4,000, then 5,000, now 6,000 IU each night. Within 2 -3 weeks I began noticing that the weakness in my calf muscles went completely away. I don’t have that problem anymore. There's a very informative .PDF on Vit D deficiency at: Also, check out the many resources at: You can also get the liquid form of Vitamin D that works a lot quicker.
When I started taking vit D I

When I started taking vit D I started out at 4,000 iu per day for two months. Now I take 2,000 iu per day.

Also note sunscreen bolocks the vit D. Many do not realize this. Yes many people need more vit D. It is very common, but most do not realize it. These bloood tests similar to what I linked above should be done. If your doctor is not suggesting getting these done to you then you should really be requesting it.
as a dietitian, Vit D

as a dietitian, Vit D deficiency is HUGE in the human population right now... some of us just need to go out without sunscreen, but if you live north of the 37th parellel forget it... depending on how much you get in food, and what your levels are with a blood test, I tell patients to take anywhere from 1000 to 4000 IU per day. They are discovering that people have a lot of benefits to having a higher blood level than they at first thought was acceptable as well.. there is a LOT of research in the field in the last few years.

Cali-Girl, if you haven't been vegetarian long- there are 2 things we see in most vegetarians- Iron deficiency and protein deficiencies... not total protein, but that many times one or more of the essential amino acids isn't making its way into the diet in enough quantities.. think about complete proteins- combinations like rice and beans, or quinoa which is a complete protein on its own...

Good luck!
Another possibly stupid

Another possibly stupid question- you are taking rest days right? I hear about alot of people starting back into exercise who think they should be doing it everyday and it just tuckers you out.

Also depending on how high your mileage is you need to increase your sleep. I think the rule of thumb is 1 hr per 10miles. So if you are doing 30 miles a week you need to work in another 3 hours of sleep per week to feel just as rested.

Assuming those are ok I agree with go and getting your blood tested. Especially the iron. If you are living in So.Cal you are preobably less likely to have the vitamin D issues, but may as well test that while you are at it. I take iron supplements occasionally and I was actually able to take any kind without problems. Just don't start taking them consitantly without a doctors supervision. Too much iron can make you reall sick so its not something like a multivitamin that you can just decide to take.