OT: first time barefoot at the grocery: ah, the looks but ah, the fun!


Oct 7, 2011
I went for an internship interview today, and had to dress like a banker rather than my hippie adjacent self, so I caved with the skirt/suit/"low" heels after not having worn anything with a heel drop in months and no high heels in years.

The day included more walking than I thought it would, and I forgot to bring a change of shoes for the end of the day, so there I was at a store with my kids, in horrible dire foot pain from the heels and the bunions and the who knows what in my fe to et begging for mercy.

When it finally occurred to me that I did not care what happened, I just couldn't wear those damn things a minute longer if I expected to not be carried out of the store.

I was all fancy in a lady suit, and with my kids, and shopping for all kinds of stuff, and there I was, bf in a store. I never thought I'd have the nerve. I know some of you do it all the time, but for me it was a big step.

I received lots of stares, many from employees, but not a soul made a comment.

I was just proud and thrilled to be in the way I want to be everywhere nowadays, and I wanted to share. Silly little thing, I know, but it was fun.

I kept waiting for one of the starers (including employees) to make comments, because I was ready to talk about the horrible pain my shoes had put me through.

But no, just weirder than weird looks, and weirder than I'm used to (I'm an eccentric nerdy person in an interracial family; we get stares for all kinds of reasons, but these stares were new and different and fun but freaky in their own way)

For those who do go bf everywhere with the shoes ready in case you get trouble, but not otherwise, thanks for the inspiration. I have plans to experiment with this further. And to burn the heels.
I loved this!  I really

I loved this! I really needed that. I don't know why, but your story brought a huge smile to my face. Maybe because I have been there.

It seems if we have our shoes "with us," then people may stare, but they tend to leave us alone assuming we must be having shoe pain, but if we don't have our shoes with us, they tend to want to approach us and mess with us.

I like sticking flip-flops in my back pocket when I go into stores. Like you, I'm not trying to make a statement, I just want to be comfortable and left alone.

Good for you! Now that you're over the stage-fright, will you do it again?
Lol I was nervous as hell the

Lol I was nervous as hell the first time I went to Walmart BF. Now it's perfectly normal for me.

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