New Jersey Boardwalk unbarefoot-friendly now?

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
Is this true? My hubby said he heard on the news today, oh-boy, that the boardwalk in New Jersey is now requiring shoes to be worn at all times...and no shirtless after 7 p.m.
Probably true TJ, the only real barefoot bans documented in the U.S. have been beach towns in MA and some boardwalks elsewhere after certain times in the evening.
Ahcuah has the exact details somewhere, hoping he will pipe in.
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It's on my required reading list Bob, ESPECIALLY on my summer reading list. It's how I stay up to date on all things barefoot.
I put it down to the lack of a proper class system in the US<g>. Here in Britain, people who want to look down on other people can always find someone to despise just for that. They don't have to attach all their hatred to some randomly selected 'marker' like no shoes or long hair.
I always thought this nice flame holding lady in New York with the beautiful name "Liberty" was barefoot - or does she wear some kind of minimalist sandal after all?
Anyway, I'm really astonished that harmless liberties such as going barefoot on a beach are forbidden in America!
Many of the NJ boardwalks have always had signs saying no barefooting especially in Wildwood but they never enforced it. Now they plan to enforce it along with a new law to try to stop kids from sagging their pants. I've run the Ocean Drive full Marathon and the 10 miler barefoot which uses a lot of the boardwalks form Cape May to Sea Isle City barefoot and never had a problem running right past the signs and in front of cops.
I try, Ahcuah, I try. Just so much reading out there. Of course, I thought about you when he told me about this and wondered what you knew about it. And, of course, you're always one barefoot step ahead.

I wonder what Ken Bob would do if they enacted or enforced a no barefoot law in Huntington Beach. He'd be broke with all the fees he'd rack up.
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