
It makes me so happy to see a few others that also do the black in a cup thing! I do love my Pumpkin Spice Lattes at Christmas time, but nothing beats a good, strong cup of black!

And in case any of you were wondering what the VERY VERY VERY best coffee-brewing system in the world is, I will enlighten you:
Dump some grounds and some room-temp water together, let it sit overnight, run the soaked grounds through a filter and BAM! you've got the smoothest (less than half the acid of regularly brewed coffe), richest espresso syrup you could ever imagine! Just add however much hot/cold water, milk, whatever you like to a little of the syrup and you're good to go. I bought the Toddy filter system for $35 ( 'cause it was relatively cheap and seemed easier than a DIY method, but you could do the same thing with a couple of big jars and a durable filter and not have to buy the product.

Seriously, you're on this forum 'cause you gave barefoot a shot and loved it. You should give this a shot. It's THAT GOOD. ;)
Reading US-dominated conversations about coffee (and beer) makes my head swim, lol.

Anyway, I use my little stove-top Bialetti Mokka Express with medium-ground espresso beans - perfecto


Something that totally blows my mind (and I'll confess, gets my hackles up) is seeing a jam-packed Starbucks in a German city. I mean, it's a fast-food, imitation European Coffee House, and the real thing is generally right there across the street... why pay double the price for lesser quality in a paper cup?!?!?! The power of the marketing departments is awesome and terrifying to behold ... (not that I don't grab a cup from SB when I'm in the US - but that's different)
Someone suggested this to me recently and I tried it. I found it surprisingly different.

An older lady we know puts a pinch of salt in her coffee pot. It gives it an interesting change of flavor. I wouldn't do it all the time, but it wasn't bad. I initially wrote it off as being a ridiculous idea like running without shoes.
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Chelsea, Dahlink, could you narrow "some" down to terms involving grams and milliliters, please?A rough starting-off point just to get the general gist of the idea. Thank you :D
Willie, here's an article I found that should help. There is a link to click that will help give you more instructions. This guy sounds like he knows what he is talking about so I decided to give it a try myself. Already have the grounds cold brewing for tomorrow.
Nice article, Nick! I need to start experimenting a little more, I think. And did you notice the recipe for coffe ice cream in one of the comments? I need to get me an ice cream maker!!

That said, the instructions for my Toddy say to use 1 lb. of coffee with 9 cups of water. I usually end up adding closer to 10
cups, mostly because that's the max that fits in the container. I've also found 12 hours to be the bare minimum as far as brewing time goes. I haven't tried 24 hours yet, but will be doing that next time.

Ok, off to make the first cup of the day...with a pinch of salt this time. :)

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