Mild Lisfranc sprain...


Aug 3, 2010
16's always something.

So, my catawampus foot (which I broke in September and was still struggling with in December) is STILL giving me grief.

Finally broke down and went for an MRI.

The radiologist's impression is as follows:

Bone marrow edema of the middle cuneiform and 3rd metatarsal proximal metaphysis, without fracture. Mild degeneration and subcortical cycstic change of the 3rd metatarsal base articulation with the 4th metatarsal. Minimal osteophyte formation of the 3rd and 4th tarsometatarsal joints.

Mild sprain of the Lisfranc ligament complex, without tear or joint subluxation.

(History includes a fracture of the 3rd metatarsal base in September of 2010 and a foot that's felt screwed up, in varying ways, ever since.)

So... Lisfranc-anything scares the bejeebus out of me; but, hoping this isn't so bad.

Anyone have any idea what the "impression" might translate into in terms of recovery, rehab, and return to running?

(and why is it that any type of formatting [that may look fine when I'm typing] is stripped when I post?)
You definitely need to talk

You definitely need to talk to BFWendyBird about this. She knows all about it. She experienced this same exact thing and is back to running. I think she just finished a half recently in Korea. Contact her via PM or email here --> BFWendyBird
Thanks for that! I've read

Thanks for that! I've read her posts...looks like it turned out to be something else. Still, I may just follow up. :)

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