I put shoes on today. . .


Oct 3, 2011
So I took off my running shoes three years ago. I had ended racing competitively when I had kids and now fun racing is creeping back in to my life. I have only run in VFFs and barefoot since then. I have been completely barefoot, not even in VFFs since July. I completed my first marathon BF two weeks ago.

I am looking at my goals over the next couple of years and think that I am going to add shoes to my training program to diversefy things a bit. Think of as strength training or something. So, I decided I would start running in my old running shoes once a week. Today was my first try.

It was surreal. Like running drunk. It was loud. I could hear my foot steps the whole way. I would try to be silent but it was not easy. I had not realized how quiet running had become. I had to really think about my form and work to run lightly. BUT I found working on my form to be difficult. I was never quite sure if I had it right.

So, a short easy 20 minute run was very intersting. I am not sure this is the right thing to do anymore. But I really want the option to wear shoes if needed. I feel that if I were to run for a good distance with shoes, I may injur myself. Due to either the weight, or cushion or, change in form, or something. I used to be able to run marathons shod, but that was a long time ago. I really want to reach into ultras and trail runs that are greater than 50 miles and sometimes across snow or ice, and have had a dream of running Badwater. So, I must have shoes to deal with the hot pavement. Even minimalist shoes like VFFs would not be sufficient insulation.

Any thoughts?

Any thoughts?How could

Any thoughts?

How could you?! Just teasing! I can imagine, relearning how to run in shoes would have some of the same challenges as relearning how to run naturally. You'll have to figure out, slowly, if you can go back to shoes safely though. And yes, Badwater will require shoes, unless you would like to leave your skin on the highway behind you as you run along.
If you find a way that works

If you find a way that works please let me know, and what shoes you used, though I wish it could be possible to do 100+ miles across the desert barefoot, I know if I ever reach that run (just finished my first 50km ultra last weekend - barefoot) which would be a dream goal I will be running it with shoes too..... :cry: Because i am slightly attached to my skin and I kind of like it that way. ;-)
Yeah I'd try mimimal types of

Yeah I'd try mimimal types of shoes instead. I really hurt my hip one time doing a similar sort of experiment. I think I'd gone something like 6 months not running in regular running shoes, and a month or more not running in my frees and I went back and tried to run in my normal running shoes. I pulled my peraformis muscle pretty bad. It healed in a few days, but still that was only 8 miles, I'm not sure what would have happened on a longer run.

I like the minimus ones that I have, they are a fair amount of shoe and therefore protection, and I don't like them for roads, but they are nice on trails. Somewhere in the gear forum there was a discusison on one of the nonminimal shoes that people were using for trails as well since the minimus wasn't wide enough for them. I can't quite remember what it was though. There has to be better options than a regular shoe.
please don't go back to

please don't go back to regular shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The other day I was suckered into playing a few games of tennis at my parents house and the only shoes there were my brothers Nike Air somethings. I was going to play barefoot, but tennis just doesn't seem like the right sport for it. When we got to the court, I realized we didn't have any balls, so I ran back to the house to get some, (.25 miles) but I felt so wierd doing so in these Nike's. I had zero form and felt stupid. How did I ever run like that? I tried the whole time to adjust but nothin worked.

I am fully convinced I will never go back. So far my VFF's, Trail Gloves, and 360's are all good options for when I wear shoes. Badwater might be an issue. Who knows what kind of min shoes are out there for that. I hope something

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