Ground Chia Seeds


Chapter Presidents
Jun 4, 2010
For a pre-run beverage I mixed some Lime, Agave Nectar and Chia seeds that I blended in the coffee grinder until they were a fine powder. This made them disolve and easier to drink. My thinking is that they would release more omega 3's and not move through me like BB's.

anyway, TMI! The drink was good and was just a Chia Fresca without the chunks and thickened into a gel almost instantly which got me to thinking.

What if I mixed this Chia Flower in with some corn flour and made tortillas? Hmmmmmm

The protein in the Chia might just hold the tortillas together the way that gluten golds together flour tortillas. Certainly worth a try.
keep us posted, I think I've

keep us posted, I think I've heard of cooking with chia seeds. I've never done it though. Probably easier for your body to absorb the nutrients from the seeds ground rather than whole, imo.
most any grain/ seed of that

most any grain/ seed of that variety (for example: steel cut oatmeal, flax seed, im blanking on the rest right now:( but you get the idea) works extremely well as a white flour substitute, while adding a more natural and delicious flavor. When cooking with chia seeds specifically the amount of liquid added needs to be re-examined due to the gelatinous nature of the seed.
I drink Chia fresca pre/post

I drink Chia fresca pre/post run. Never thought of grinding the seeds in my coffee grinder. Sometimes I keep a big bowlful soaked in the frig in water and scoop some in the water, but worry if I lose nutrients.

I have been suggesting the chia fresca to my diabetic patients as it is good to keep blood glucose levels level and good for the heart, plus stave off sugar cravings.
I have been adding the chia

I have been adding the chia flour to my protein shakes before and after workouts and to a chia fresca before I run. There are some side effects of eating whole seeds I don't like.

However, I do like to just grab a handful and munch on them. they taste great

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