Foot Jewelry on Etsy

Are you crafty, Sherri?

Are you crafty, Sherri?
I've got lots book marked

I've got lots book marked over there on etsy, I think the crochet ones are sweet! Some are super spendy though, I heart etsy!

I'd rather put the dollars here though :) So Sherri, are ya??? ;)
I've been known to be crafty

I've been known to be crafty a time or two, but I'm not very patient and lose interest in that kind of stuff fairly quickly.

I have a friend that sells on

I have a friend that sells on Etsy that has an amazing talent for making felt food. I could talk to her and see if she might be interested in something like this. She is a military wife that currently stays home with her two daughters. She just kills me because she has a degree in chemistry, but makes a great income doing something she loves while being a full-time mom.

What is felt food?Sure,

What is felt food?

Sure, please ask her.
I'm in the process of setting

I'm in the process of setting up a crafting room...

I'd flat out offer to make & sell barefoot jewelry, but I live so far out in the sticks that I'm not sure if/when I'll be able to get beads, elastic, etc.

If I can get stuff started, I'll post some pics.

That would be great, George. 

That would be great, George. Thanks.
I could probably get my wife

I could probably get my wife to do it, she makes other jewelery, but I think the shipping costs across the Atlantic would raise the price a little too much.
Okay, that's what I thought.

Okay, that's what I thought.

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