Event: Please vote for ultra-mathoner charity runner Hideki Kinoshita aka Kino - contest expires 1/2


Sep 27, 2011
If you are on FB: check out the event: http://www.facebook.com/events/334362383252080

If not, check out http://www.examiner.com/running-in-national/ultra-marathoner-hopes-to-win-america-inspired-contest-and-set-new-world-record

Call to action: Join examiner.com, then vote every day for Hideki Kinoshita in Passion category. Expires Saturday, 1/28 1:59am Eastern Time

Why?: Because when he wins, ALL runners win! And because before the results to date were taken down, Kino was neck and neck with another contestant. Obviously Passionate folks don't give up and will assume they are behind and will scrounge/beg for votes.

Thank you so much for helping. I'll be back Feb 1 when the winners are announced - one for each category and a Grand Winner - hopefully Kino will be Grand!

Email me if you like more info.

Last day to vote for Hideki

Last day to vote for Hideki Kinoshita aka Kino.

Link is: http://exm.nr/yt895M

When Kino wins he will be supporting:


- Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN)

- Mount Sinai Medical Center's World Trade Center Health Program (to provide free medical screening and treatment for over 20,000 9/11 First Responders)

- Back on My Feet NYC (to help the homeless pick up their lives)

Maybe (need to pick 2):

- American Cancer Society (ACS)

- Charity: Water (to build wells and water sources in the poorest regions of the world)

- Wounded Warrior Project (to help wounded military veterans)

- Somaly Mam Foundation (to fight sex abuse and sex trafficking of women)

Any thoughts on the maybe's above?