can a splinter cause a trigger point?


May 15, 2011
After aweeks of rolling tight quads I've found that the most stubborn trigger point is midway up on the lateral side of my leg. I remember getting stabbed by a very sharp agave type plant while hiking right before the IT band problems arose.

I see that this location is a common site for trigger points, so they're probably unrelated, but I am curious. considering what you know about trigger points does this seem possible?
I doubt its related...if you can find a knotted spot by all means try to releive it...put some pressure on it for at least 30 seconds or more. it should release the tension but it maybe painful. It may even take longer than 30 seconds but don't give up if thats hard to do.

Oops idn't see this was in Doctors part here of the forums.
No, but it can cause an infection. While it is not likely you are infected, it is quite possible you are working the right area. Most people try to treat what feels tight to them. The problem is in the way we pervceive tightness. This may sound counter intuitive but in our bodies, based on years of experience, what feels tight usually isnt and what doesnt feel tight usually is. Areas that feel tight are usually straining and in the case of your quads, constantly foam rolling them may make them worse or pull over time.

Typically tight hip flexors are tight because of other biomechanical issues. Before you get yourself in trouble, I would recommend you find a good sports chiropractor in your area to take an objective look at the problem for you.
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I doubt its related...if you can find a knotted spot by all means try to releive it...put some pressure on it for at least 30 seconds or more. it should release the tension but it maybe painful. It may even take longer than 30 seconds but don't give up if thats hard to do.

Oops idn't see this was in Doctors part here of the forums.
Thank you, Doctor Mokie! :doctor: ;)

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