Ankle Pain


Aug 12, 2011
Barefooters, been loving barefooting about a year and am now trainIng for a half marathon.

I woke up yesterday with my right ankle sore to put weight on it. I have felt this a little before, but it was never bad enough to skip running.

I ran 5 great barefoot miles ( even had record mile split times) and started to feel it more towards the end. Then afterwards, it really has been hurting. It's now really hard to put weight on it. I'm noticeably limping and stairs are very tough. I did ice it for hours yesterday afternoon and evening.

A day later while laying here on a couch, the range of motion in my ankle seems good. While a little tight, there's no pain. But if I stand and walk, it's painful. I don't think I could run on it.

I'm eager to continue my training and concerned with down time as the miles (in my Hal Higdon plan) are starting to increase.

What do you think is wrong? What can I do to (quickly) heal it? How will I know when I'm ready to run again? Yikes...

Btw, I feel like my technique is pretty good. I do pay attention to it.

Thanks, BtD
Just a quick additional note

Just a quick additional note a day after the ankle pain...

Much of the pain from putting weight on the ankle seems gone (knock on wood), though the muscles on the top of my feet are sore- especially the back foot in my stride- and especially when going down steps.
How much have you been

How much have you been running barefoot ? for how long ? how fast ? these details matter a lot if you just started out.

Almost always its from too much too soon even though it didn't seem like it at the year is still a newbie really...maybe you pushed the speed a bit too much!
Good questions and thanks,

Good questions and thanks, mokaman.

To be honest, I only started barefooting last Fall, then stopped over the deep winter. Starting in the Spring, I was doing 1 - 3 short barefoot runs a week (3 miles and under). I am only 4 weeks into a novice-level training program in preparation for a half marathon (Four runs a week from 2 - 5 miles so far). My program is here...

And since this is a fairly easy program with low miles, I have recently been adding .5 - 1 mile over what the program calls for, and somewhat pushing my split times- especially on the shorter 2 mile runs. Perhaps that is a mistake.

My mile splits started at 11+, focusing more on the technique, getting in shape, and enjoying the experience. On Saturday, I did 5 miles at a 9:53 split- still focused on the technique (which i love) and enjoying the cardio experience. (I know that's probably slow by many's standards.) Without any further pain, it would have been perfect.

Oh, and come to think of it. On Friday, I did four miles (instead of the called 3.5). Then Saturday, I had my "offending" 5 mile, low-for-me split time run. Due to a schedule change, I had two "longer" runs on back to back days.

Almost all of the training has been on paved roads and sidewalks, with a little trial and grass here and there. Oh, and btw, fwiw, I'm 46 and this- barefoot- is the first time I have ever loved running.

So, having said all this, what do you think I did? And where do I go from here? And what other advice would you have? are over doing it are over doing it some...the half mary plan assumes you already are doing 10 - 12 miles easily week in week out. Trying to adapt to barefoot at the same time as ramping up for a half mary doesn't leave room for anything to go wrong, you may be close to the limit already without risking some over use injury. It seems to me you might want to consider using your feet/legs as a guide to build up your miles... then enter a race when you can do the distance for sure that way there is no pressure to ramp up too fast. I would do a setback week where you drop your mileage way back for one week then see how your ankle feels...I wouldn't use any pain medicine either you need the feedback to tell whats going on.

If you haven't registered for the half mary yet I would wait on that or consider a 10k as a backup plan...patience is your friend. If you have already registered for the half don't increase your miles until your feet/legs are can still do the race even if you aren't up to the full race distance barefoot, you will just be slower and maybe walk some. It's not worth the risk really since an injury would set you back much further.

As far as your running pace...just stay at a slow easy pace, your base building for now. Speedy running is increasing your injury risk at this point with no real benefit...later on when your better adapted to barefoot you wont have to be so careful but for now the more gradual the better. Your age is no problem as long as you recover well enough, keep up the iceing and try to do some massaging on your lower legs and feet.

Whats really cool is after your in half mary shape its easy to stay that way and you can just enter races at any time without worry.

Barefoot running is addicting and its easy to over do it!
I agree - It sounds like more

I agree - It sounds like more of an overuse injury, with tendonitis and inflammation of the joint. Rest, and go slower and see how you do.
Basic running rule:Distance,

Basic running rule:

Distance, Frequency, Speed. Never, ever increase more than one at a time. I have always gotten hurt when I did two at a time (usually by doing intervals, while still increasing the distance a bit).

Most important running goal:

No Setbacks. The loss due to injury is always greater than the gain of extra training. So, the serious runner's first priority has to be avoiding injury. It will pay off in the long run. Even if your 1/2 Marathon is put off for a couple of months. (See Jack Daniels's "Daniels' Running Formula" on the issue of No setbacks).

Best of luck,

Thanks so much to

Thanks so much to everyone!

Tomorrow, it will be three weeks tomorrow since I have run. My top-of-foot pain seems "gone," though I can still kinda feel where the pain was, if that make sense.

I feel I'm ready to start again, but not sure how to safely start again. I was running 4 times a week at 3-2-4-6 miles previously. I would kinda like to do 4 miles with a high split. Is that too much?

My only other issue is that now- out of nowhere because I haven't been running- is that I have a knobby little thing internally in the ball of my right foot. It only hurts when I'm barefoot and only when you "flick" it or pressure it. It doesn't feel like bone or anything.
Any idea what that might be? Should I be concerned?
Sounds like a nerve, but my

Sounds like a nerve, but my neuromas bother me if I have to put shoes on or if I've been running a few miles or on my feet for a while, not while just sitting, doing nothing.

I don't think you should run yet. Maybe take two more weeks off. But if you are going to run, don't go more than a mile, preferably only a half mile. Then reassess the next day how you feel. If you feel good enough, then add another half mile. If you feel pain, then you'll know you've done too much.
Yeah, but if you decide to

Yeah, but if you decide to try running now, you'll know within a couple of days if you're ready to continue to progress or if you need to wait more. Try that 1/2 - 1 mile run, reassses the next day, and let us know how you do. I'm curious.