3 Things...


Mar 30, 2011
It has been about 3 months now for me running totally barefoot, after my initial set back after developing a stress fracture doing TMTS... My mileage is up to 10k per run every other day and I'm feeling great! I've noticed 3 changes (for the better) that I attribute to running with naked feet... First, my overall posture has improved-sitting, standing and walking. Second, my butts getting bigger. My wife used to comment on the fact that I had "no butt." Because running barefoot engages the glutes, there is a noticable difference. And third, I am no longer drifting to right when running. I used too, when running with shoes, slowly drifted to the right and had to make course directions about every half mile or so. I wasn't quite sure what was causing that thinking it was one of two things. Either a leg length descrepancy or a tight IT band. I'm thinking now it was probably the IT band because when stretching it, both sides feel about the same.

Anyway, just wanted to pass on some of the good things running barefoot has improved for me...

BIG Butt!!!!  I knew that

BIG Butt!!!! I knew that thing was getting bigger. That's it! I quit!
Seriously.  Thanks for not

Seriously. Thanks for not giving up.