Peroneal Tendonitis rehab

Hi Docs,
I believe I am suffering from a slight amount of Peroneal Tendonitis, this is a self diagnosis from the symptoms of tenderness on the outside of the ankle around the bone near to the achilles.
I've been running barefoot for over 4 years so, I'm not new to barefoot running, but that still doesn't make me immune from injuries. It is probably a muscle imbalance I have developed.
I run on smooth concrete or sandy beaches, which of those two would aggrievate it more? Have you any advice for rehab, balancing, standing on one leg, calf raises or dips etc and what exercises to avoid.


Stiffness in the calf deep in the posterior compartment can cause that type of discomfort. Can you do a deep knee bend, are you falling over. Often, there are issues in the gait process such as the core that may be compromised as well causing a hard impact. This happens with barefoot and shod.

A good sports chiropractor would be able to give you a better understanding of why you hurt. If you want to understand the mechanism behind this better, you may wish to read my book Cheating Mother Nature, what you need to know to beat chronic pain. There is a section on the kinetic chains that can be quite helpful to you. You can get the book on Amazon or if you have a kindle reader, download it.

If you would like, you can post a video of yourself taken with a cell phone from the side and the back which can help me understand your gait and if there are anomolies that can be causing the pain
Hi William,
The pain is only occasionally there. I did notice I was getting a bit of 'weakness' in the small toes on the right foot when I first get up in the morning, this fades off after walking around so it must be due to the position of the foot while I sleep. This was happening for around a month but seems better recently. I think it just a weakness in one of the muscles, I have been doing one leg balances and that helps, I also did some running in very soft sand which seemed to help.
The weakness in the toes seems to have stopped now so it may be on the mend.
I have reduced my running distance to around 30km a week.



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