Knee problems after walking on stones

Barefoot RPS

Apr 13, 2024
I would love to get any advice from the docs on this issue. Thanks for your consideration!

I turned 50 this January and started acclimating my body to barefoot around the same time by hiking some of the surrounding area barefoot (So Cal). I had run for almost 20 years but had to stop because of foot pain. My feet are also pretty flat from the shoes all these years, so I was excited to see a path forward to strengthening the feet and hopefully running again. I started with just walking about ten minutes and then slowly adding more time. By March, I was at almost an hour and was starting to intersperse short bouts of running. Mostly, the trails I was using were a mix of a few rocks and then sometimes just dirt. I was really enjoying the process and excited to continue progressing.

By late March, I decided to hike a couple of trails with more stones to get more acclimated to walking on them. I did not run on them, just walked across a couple of sections of stones. I was really focusing on bending my knees more and trying to relax to get used to the stones. However, after spending about 30 minutes on a trail, it was a little more painful so I headed back down. I could feel something with my knees though and decided to take a break for a little bit. I kept it light for a couple of weeks to ease up on the knees, but then decided to go really slow across a level path with some stones mixed in. Whatever was wrong with my right knee then became worse and then my left knee also started acting up. I stopped doing trails entirely and couldn't really do my exercise bike anymore either as it seemed like my knees were worse after.

After more than a month since the initial issue, my right knee is still swollen with fluid. At times I get up and I can feel fluid trickling down the inside of my leg. My left knee has some discomfort in the front of it and just doesn't feel quite right. I usually feel a little pain, mostly in my right knee but lightly on the left when I am going up and down stairs. I saw a nurse practitioner last week and she checked my flexibility and movement in my right knee and it seems normal. She recommended the RICE method with ibuprofen. Because it has been a while, she also ordered an ultrasound to look at my knee (which is coming up on Tuesday). I have also been doing some exercises specifically for knee issues from a book called Pain Free by Pete Egoscue. At one point in the month, it really seemed to help a lot which was why I gave the rocks a second try very slowly (but it still did me in).

I don't know what I did to my knees, I have not had a history of knee problems recently, but I did have a torn meniscus surgery done about 10 years ago on my left knee. I am normally very active at least on the exercise bike, but I have had to stop everything. Even walking the dog around the block at this point is a little much for the knees it seems; its depressing. Anyway, would love to hear if anyone has had any similar experiences or counsel for something like this. I am convinced that barefoot is the way to go and I still want to pursue it, but I am down for the count at the moment. Thanks for listening.

These are my technical ultra sound results (not yet interpreted by the doctor):

Mild subcutaneous/soft tissue edema identified within the inferior aspect of the right knee. No definitive focal fluid collection identified.

I will post doctor comments when they show up.
These are my technical ultra sound results (not yet interpreted by the doctor):

Mild subcutaneous/soft tissue edema identified within the inferior aspect of the right knee. No definitive focal fluid collection identified.

I will post doctor comments when they show up.
Dr. Mark should be with you soon. I think he’s quite busy at the moment. Sorry for the delay.
RPS Sorry for delay my week is pretty buried...grrr
edema (swelling) is reaction to injury. i would suspect there is a meniscal tear irritating the articular cartilage of the bone (bone stress reaction). if you have had prior meniscal surg you may already have a degree of arthritis change there. conservative low load biking, elliptical and stregthening like egoscue is first step to see if it resolves. Hard to say more wo and exam but find someone local knowledgably of athletic injury
Thanks Dr. Mark! I appreciate you taking the time to respond to the post. I am hoping and praying that I will not need a surgery to resolve these issues and am trying to follow all the instructions at this point with elevating the knee, icing a couple of times a day, ibuprofen, and all the Egoscue exercises to help. So far, things don't seem to have improved much, but it seems like these things can take a long time to resolve, so trying to be patient. Much appreciated.
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