International BRS Zazzle Store Links

Hmmm. I too just ordered my 2015 teeshirt and paid for it to be shipped from the US. Rats!

I will see what I can do about this.

Thanks Christian!

I have asked TJ to see if we can get the link for the store in each country added to a drop down menu on the menu bar, instead of just the one link which takes everyone to the US store.

BTW - The US store were having a 25% off promotion when I ordered my teeshirt, so it actually worked out cheaper to order it from the US on this occasion! Lucky me huh? :)
That's a really good idea, Paul. I will work on this quickly...after I call Zazzle to complain.
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Is there any possibility to put this information near the store link in the top navigation?

Here, nobody will find it, or search for it.

As an example, I ordered from the US Zazzle in 2014, unaware of the existence of a German Zazzle, despite this thread being opened in 2012.
Christian and Paul, can you guys call Zazzle to either cancel your order or change it, so you don't have to pay duties and tax and get lower shipping. They will understand.

I just called them, and she told me that their software isn't set up to reroute (so, basically, it's unintelligent), but she would forward my complaint on to management.

Now, on to figure out how to change the Zazzle link.
Christian and Paul, can you guys call Zazzle to either cancel your order or change it, so you don't have to pay duties and tax and get lower shipping. They will understand.

I think the courier tried to deliver my shirt this morning, so it's probably too late for me to cancel it, but as I said above, it worked out cheaper for me as it happened, so I actually have nothing to complain about :)
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And...I just want to apologize for the inconvenience up until now.
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No apologies needed TJ. Nobody's perfect ;)
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