Roads that make you want to run

Such a nice thread idea, I had to sticky it!
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It's really an amazing road. How long is it ?
View attachment 6930
It isn't as log as it looks. I think it's about 1 km, it devides a small forres in two. If you would run all the paths within the forest (not only this road or you should run up and down) it probably will be a total of about 10 or 15 km.
Because of the usage of old school pavement it Realy looks awesome. I don't know how old this road Realy is.
Thirty km of nothing, just the road, the canal and birds singing. I wished I could run 30 km. Today only ran 3 km up and 3 km back on this road. Maybe next year or the year after that I will run the whole 30 km.DSC_0001-640x360.JPG
There is something about running along forest trails that connect us more with nature rather than running along roads with cars alongside. I would like to to some more trail running but it's always at least a 40 minutes drive to get to any national parks which in our time constrained lives seems like an eternity.
I will make an effort to get out to one of the parks before it gets too chilly and do a run in the hills.

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Sometimes you find the most beautiful surprises just outside of town.
Old roads that aren't used anymore or just by a few.
But if you are going to drive 40 minutes for running I'm absolutely curious how these roads and paths are and what they look like.:rolleyes:.
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My favourite trail- Grootvadersbosch & Boosmansbosch Nature Reserves, South Africa. Two adjoining reserves that are UNESCO World Heritage Sites due to plant diversity. Last pic is of carniverous plants that cover the path at times. Best part, no-one is ever there! Can run for 5h and no cell phone reception, no people.
Wow, brilliant. Look at the hight of those trees beside the trail.
No coverage in the forest. In the Netherlands we would be complaining at the telephone company as soon as we could find a place with coverage.:writing:
Hello, Vodafone, I have a complaint. I was running through the forest and couldn't directly share it on Facebook. No one knows I've been running now. All for nothing. :nailbiting: fix it.
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