You know you're on BRS too much, when you start having dreams about your BRS peeps


Apr 3, 2010
So apparently LPJ's got one hell of an arm, because at a BRS meetup last night he filled a paper bag with water (like a water balloon) and chucked it as hard as he could at and important looking corporate building undergoing construction, collapsing the building upon impact (of the paper bag water balloon).

Anyone care to interpret this one?
Hmmm... not sure what to make

Hmmm... not sure what to make of this.

Was he wearing a kilt? If so... perhaps the entire dream sub-plot was just an excuse to check him out in his recent wears. ;)

S. Pimp.
lol, can't say that

lol, can't say that I remember actually. He WAS barefoot though :p
Last weekend I had a dream

Last weekend I had a dream that I was running Burning River in a kilt with Jason. We spend all 100 miles talking about how "free" we felt down there.

If I recall, my kilt was not as manly as Jason's
When I've been doing this

When I've been doing this long enough that you're having dreams about me, I will know that I have indeed established myself as a serious barefoot runner. ;)
haha Beth, apparently you

haha Beth, apparently you have to be wearing a kilt to get into the dreams. :p

lmao SP, so was it a pink ultra-mini kilt that you were wearing??
saypay45 wrote:We spend all

saypay45 said:
We spend all 100 miles talking about how "free" we felt down there.

...and when you looked down, you realized you weren't even wearing a kilt. ;-)
See what happens when you

See what happens when you share something personal like that? Nothing but flack! :p

Actually, I think my kilt was the red tartan one that Jason wears. Although it felt shorter on me. Probably because I'm a giant.
lmao TJ! You're right about

lmao TJ!

You're right about that one SP, tall barefoot guy. :)
saypay45 wrote:I think my

saypay45 said:
I think my kilt was the red tartan one that Jason wears. Although it felt shorter on me.

Uh, er, you were wearing Jason's kilt?


Last year on "that other

Last year on "that other forum" there were a couple of posters there that dreamt about me, and of course Jason--who else? I can't remember who they were though. Jason? I've not dreamt of anyone else yet, except Jason, of course. Yea, we're all pretty sick around here.
Well, you do wear Jason's

Well, you do wear Jason's skirts though (or at least dream about it), and from what I understand, Nate wears skirts too, so why don't you dream about wearing Nate's skirts then?
Barefoot TJ wrote:Last year

Barefoot TJ said:
Last year on "that other forum" there were a couple of posters there that dreamt about me, and of course Jason--who else? I can't remember who they were though. Jason? I've not dreamt of anyone else yet, except Jason, of course. Yea, we're all pretty sick around here.

The thread from Reese's dream is still there:

I also posted about a dream I had last year. Couldn't find it in a search. Must have fallen off the forum history. I don't remember who was in it. Might have been BF Jon and LPJ. Maybe not. All I remember is that a couple of forum members had a contest to see who could throw their shoe the furthest. LOL.


That is hysterical that you

That is hysterical that you remember that, Karen. What ever happend to Reese? Does she still post "over there?" Is she still running barefoot; I remember she was progressing slowly. Someone should invite her over here.

So your dream was about who could throw their shoe the farthest. I wonder who won. We need a little shoe smiley...and a barefoot smiley.

EDIT: Thanks for the trip down memory lane, Karen. I got a huge smile on my face now. Looks like Reese hasn't posted since February. That sucks! (Can I say sucks, Mods?) I hope she's alright. And yes, folks, she's a she.
lmao Karen, we need a shoe

lmao Karen, we need a shoe throwing smile :p

and SP, man crushes and skirt's all good. We're in good company and who could blame you for your man crush on Nate Cube :p

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