Study: Running Form Of The Tarahumara Indians

Study: Running Form Of The Tarahumara Indians
Harvard professor Daniel Lieberman turns from the Kenyans to the fabled ultrarunners of Copper Canyon.
By Amby Burfoot
Photograph by Robb Kendrick for National Geographic Magazine

Harvard evolutionary biologist and running-form expert Daniel Lieberman doesn’t mess around when it comes to studying the most fascinating running cultures. Several years ago he published a widely-heralded paper about the forefoot-strike employed by many Kenyan runners. Now he has reported from Mexico’s vast Copper Canyon where the fabled Tarahumara Indians live and run.

Copper Canyon and the Tarahumara formed the framework of Chris McDougall’s best-selling Born To Run, the book that launched barefoot running and minimalist running. Copper Canyon is larger and deeper than the Grand Canyon, and the huarache-shod Tarahumara have practiced long-distance-running contests for eons. Huaraches are rawhide- or car-tire-soled sandals. The Tarahumara have raced well on occasion in U.S. ultra races, and more than hold their own when U.S. runners travel to Copper Canyon for races. This despite the fact that they don’t “train” in any conventional fashion—an important point that Lieberman notes several times. To continue reading, please visit:
Finally, it is worth considering the relevance of these results for the majority of runners who grow up wearing shoes, rarely if ever run ultramarathons, and are habituated to conventional running shoes. Evidence that traditional Tarahumara who wear huaraches mostly avoid rearfoot landings on flat surfaces at moderate speeds is hardly justification for someone to switch to minimal shoes and stop heel striking.
Paraphrase: Shoes are for weenies! :D

(* exception being those who have problems resulting from surgeries)
Paraphrase: Shoes are for weenies! :D

(* exception being those who have problems resulting from surgeries)

I've always wondered why Amby Burfoot isn't more barefoot-friendly himself. Just thinking out loud.
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What if running mags said, just run barefoot, and fitness mags said, just do basic free-weight lifts, and health mags said, just eat whole, natural foods?
There's still stuff they could sell, but it would take a significant bite out of ad revenue.
The only question is whether someone like Amby is consciously or unconsciously/institutionally biased. Kind of like NYTimes reporters doing stories on Ukraine or Gaza.
What if running mags said, just run barefoot, and fitness mags said, just do basic free-weight lifts, and health mags said, just eat whole, natural foods?

I believe you just summarized about all one needs to know about exercise and health. ;)

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