Stop Worrying About the Heel Strike

Winter may make unshod difficult but there's another awesome opportunity to practice form: less traction. Grippy rubber on dry concrete tends to encourage over-extending your legs in front and behind but take that extreme, artificial grip away and your body instinctively reacts and keeps your feet under you. It's why I believe people think trails are "soft" compared to paved because they automatically get their feet under them when the surface isn't as grippy. The surface isn't so much softer you just run softer.

Traction and form were on my mind yesterday on a run. When I used to heel strike/push off my feet winter gription was difficult. Quite a bit of the trail I was on was snow covered ice (and frequently just ice) and I had no slippage (was wearing my Fivefinger Trek Ascents) since there was no pushing off. I felt stable and sure footed for the entirety of the run.

Running softer is Awesome :)

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