Review of RunBare's Barefoot Running the Movie

Go Barefoot

Oct 25, 2011
Grand Island, NE
This is a review of Barefoot Running the Movie by Michael Sandler and Jessica Lee.
After watching this video I have to highly recommend this for anyone in the beginning stages of running barefoot. The movie was filmed in Hawaii and appears professionally done. This DVD was created for the beginning barefoot runner and emphasizes how natural it is to walk and/or run barefoot and does mention the noticeable changes that occur in a person’s foot over time from running barefoot.

This DVD consists of 17 chapters on the different aspects of barefoot running/walking. The video mentions the benefits of barefoot running and how it not only increases your awareness of your surrounding environment but of your whole body. Included is a good brief overview of how the foot itself can create less impact to the body when running when compared to running with shoes. Enough of material is included about the basic mechanics of the foot when running to help a beginner understand the reasons behind running barefoot with out over doing it.

Chapter 5 is on proper running form and Michael provides some tips on how to get your body into the proper position (form). This section I felt was good except when remembering back to when I first ran barefoot I remember such problems as pushing off too hard causing some toe blisters, etc. I think it would have been beneficial to include some corrective advice on these kinds of little problems which you must learn to work out on your own or at least mention some of these issues that can arise. The video is very good about stressing the importance of not over doing it and I do like Michaels idea of listening to your body and if you feel a pain (or something not right ) take a mental note and if you experience it a 2nd time you probably have ran far enough on that run.

Michael and Jessica demonstrate different types of form and balance drills and warm up exercises for increasing foot, leg and core strength. There is also a section of the video on trail running which I think really shows another fun aspect of running barefoot. Towards the end of the video there is also good section on selecting a minimalist shoe and what to look for and what should be avoided.

Chapter 15 titled Recovery was also good. Here Michael shows several ways to relieve soreness of the foot or leg using different techniques such as using a tennis ball on the arch of the foot to relieve pain and doing something similar to roll out soreness in person’s legs.

The movie does an excellent job at showing how to get started and just how fun going barefoot can be whether walking or running. There is alot of information for the beginner or someone considering barefoot running. Barefoot Running would also be great for a barefoot trainer wanting to give students a first look at barefoot running and how to get started.
OK, so it's set in modern-day Hawai'i, but what about the plot? What were the uses of symbolism and irony? Which character did you identify most with and why? :D

Good review, GB

And how many car chases were there? I don't see anything without at least one car chase and/or martial arts fight scene.
Seriously incomplete review. How can I ever know if this movie is for me?
And how many car chases were there? I don't see anything without at least one car chase and/or martial arts fight scene.
Seriously incomplete review. How can I ever know if this movie is for me?

...also, were there any explosions, helicopters and/or exploding helicopters?
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