NEW!!!! Xero Shoes Umara Z-Trail Sport Sandal, 10mm, Review

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
Xero Shoes Umara Z-Trail Sport Sandal, 10mm, Review
I was excited to see that Xero Shoes came out with a trail sport sandal, something with a thicker sole. I have been waiting for these for a very long time! As a “barefooter,” you are probably wondering why I would want something with a thicker sole or any sole at all. Let me explain…from a neuropathy perspective.

Over the past several years, I have endured many painful treatments and surgeries for perineural fibroma, a.k.a., Morton’s Neuroma, a nerve entrapment condition that affects two of the main nerve branches in both of my feet. MN is brought on directly by ill-fitting, ill-designed shoes, namely running shoes such as Nike, Saucony, and Asics (you know the type). Although I prefer walking barefoot on smooth, clean surfaces, the treatments and surgeries have left me unable to run outside barefoot anymore; the slightest pebble creates indescribable pain, so you can imagine what chip n seal or a typical trail is like for me.

Running sandals with a thinner sole may be ideal for those not dealing with neuropathy, but for me, they are too thin.

Any shoe with an enclosed toe box causes my toes to go numb, so having an “open toe box” is best for me. I have never liked the strapping through the toes feeling popular on this style of running sandal, so the Umara Z-Trails are perfect for me as they have over the top strapping.

Spending around $100 on a pair of running sandals that have through the toe strapping was out of the question, so I put off owning a pair. Then the good folks at Xero Shoes offered a pair of their new Umara Z-Trail running sandals in exchange for an honest review, so I jumped at the chance!

Here’s how I rate them:

(1 to 5 out of 5 stars)

Ground Feel: **** (With their 10mm 3-Layer FeelLite™ sole, their thickest, these should do the job for me over most terrain.)

Zero Drop: ***** (I also love that they don’t have non-sense arch support built-in that some other sandals have.)

Flexibility: **** (These are extremely flexible and nearly as flexible as Xero Shoes' previous models. At 10mm, these can still easily be rolled up into a ball and carried in your pocket.)

Toe Box: ***** (What toe box?)

Weight: ***** (At 5.4 oz., they are actually 20% lighter than Xero Shoe’s Amuri Z-Trek model.)

Comfort: ***** (These are so comfortable, I almost forget I’m wearing something.)

Fit: **** (My toes are a bit wonky, so they probably deserve five stars.)

Traction: **** (They seem really grippy. This is just from eyeing them, since I haven’t taken them out on really rugged, sandy, or wet terrain.)

Durability: (I haven’t owned them long enough.)

Performance: ***** (In comparison to other running sandals and forefoot footwear, these are the best I have tried.)

Design: ***** (Love them!)

Aesthetics: ***** (I love the way they look, and I’ve already had several people tell me the same!)

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From Steven Sashen at Xero Shoes:

To understand what makes the Z-Trail special, think about a Chaco or Teva or Keen sandal... all great products, but all heavy, stiff, and bulky.

Our Z-Trail gets rid of all the weight (up to 72% lighter), all the bulk (only 10mm thick), all the stiffness (it rolls up and fits in your pocket and the flexibility lets your foot move naturally), offers almost the same level of protection with our 3-layer FeelLite™ sole, and it's only $79.99... with our 5,000 mile warranty.

In fact, take a look at THIS video where I compare the Z-Trail to a popular sport sandal. You probably won't believe it ;-):

Not only is the Z-Trail a perfect travel sandal, camp shoe, or water shoe (it floats!), it gives you a super-comfy ride no matter where you take it.

We're launching the Z-Trail with a national advertising campaign starting on March 4th, with specials being offered through March 22nd.


Z-Trail goes on sale on March 11th. LIMITED QUANTITY

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