Mileage Reporting Week 35 of 2015


Chapter Presidents
Jul 1, 2011
Nampa, Idaho
Last week, I only ended up with 28.3 miles total, because Saturday morning dear husband wanted to take us fishing on the Snake River in his frugal engineer's jet boat. He is so happy while on his boat.

I do give myself credit for "speed work" while dancing Friday night for about an hour, and "cool down" Saturday while dancing at a wedding. :)

Today, Monday, I was able to start the week off with 12.4 miles around my pond loop. One fun thing about the loop is getting to know people, even if it is getting to know them on just one day. A couple of ladies about my own age were walking, and about the 3rd time I passed them they called out, "if we ever have a team, we want you on it!" Another 30 something, hefty guy told me I was "awesome!" quite emphatically after seeing me a couple times. Gotta love being called awesome when only doing a 10 minute pace....
Pleasant 2km this morning at not too bad a pace I think. Conditions were good for running -nice and still.

Saw one rabbit, three cyclists, one other runner & one workman in a hi-viz jacket -all in that short distance!

Felt really good this morning -no aches or muscle issues, etc... It was one of those days when your body just seems to want to keep going even when you've finished -hanging onto that as my positive feeling for the day!:)
I wanted to get up and out before sunrise on Monday to go for a run. But I just couldn't muster the willpower. By the time I did get out, the sun had officially risen 15 min earlier and the overcast/high fog Oakland skies obscured the sun and kept the temperature mild at 61. By the time I completed my neighborhood circuit with some added detours and switchbacks, I complete 8.3 miles; probably a record single run for me. A quick soaking and wash with some ice water completed my Monday morning workout and I got ready to go to work. This morning, Tuesday, my feet felt fine so I went for another 2.3 mile run before going to the gym. All-in-all, I am feeling pretty good with my barefoot running. I just need to be careful and avoid hurting myself.
A delicious 7 miles to work this morning on an nearly autumnal day - clear sky, no wind, low humidity. It made a huge difference to my heart rate which was down 7 bpm for the 8.30 pace I've run at all week but the earlier part of the week was warmer and much more humid.
Didn't finish out last week's reporting because I was out of town. Finished the week kind of rough with a stomach bug combined with a trip to Las Vegas. Was going to get some heat running in but did not want to risk dehydration. Lab results are not back yet but I am sure it is Giardia (I've had it before). On meds now and feeling better. Note to self - remember my water filter in the mountains.

Sunday - 30 minutes on an elliptical. 10 minutes on a treadmill with socks. Awful.

Tuesday - 8 shod miles. My hill route west of my farm. Ran the downhill pretty hard.

Wednesday morning - 3.5 barefoot miles. As I was leaving the yard two young goats escaped their pen. Not wanting to go back and put them away I decided to see what they could do. They kept up for a while, but then started falling behind so I had to cut my route short. Must have been a sight. Barefoot guy, 5 dogs, 2 goats.

Wednesday evening - 4 shod miles. A speed session while my daughter was in piano lessons. Splits 7:32, 7:34, 6:18, and 6:04. Probably one of my fastest miles ever run.

Thursday - 4 easy sandal miles.
I've been pretty busy and haven't chimed in for the last two weeks. Got my big race of the year coming up Sunday (18.12 miles). I'm totally unprepared. I'd like to make it a yearly event so perhaps if I don't do well this year it will just give me something I can beat next year. I'm on nights this week so my system might be a bit screwed up too.

Didn't get my last long run in I wanted to do last week, so last and longest run this year was 16.4 back on the 11th. And I was sore for several days after :( even only running a slow pace. Last week I did about 20 miles with 3 runs. This week I'm on nights, which only gives me an hour or two in the afternoon to run and I've spent most of it packing for the trip this weekend. Only able to run Tuesday, 5 miles. Not sure if thats good or bad that I only run 1 time the whole week before a race. I have done some stairs at work on the nightshifts, though not wanting to wear myself down much I cut them down to just 8 flights per session, 5 ish times per shift, about half of what I'd typically do.

Rick... next time you go running with the goats you gotta take a pic man
Fairly gentle 2.5km run along the lakeside this morning to end the working week.
Was up in time to see the sun rise across the water today.
Witnessed a heron catching a fish for breakfast & then proudly displaying the catch in his mouth to the fisherman on the bank:D -Very peaceful & a beautiful morning for running...
3 (5) mile runs this week Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
It is still in the upper 70's here in the mornings.
very cool moon on Friday reddish orange and full.
I am really starting to relax more and flow along.

September 19th I will do the Tour des fleur at the Dallas Arboretum it is a 20k around White Rock lake.
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Too Cool
Do you usually take the 5 dogs?

Hope you feel better!

Thanks. Feeling much better now. Usually average about 3 dogs out of the 7 we have. If I have a long run planned or the conditions are hot, I sneak away so they don't follow.

@Tristan - Have (or hope you had) a good race.

@Skedaddle - Saw a man hiking in Germany last year with 2 goats. Thought it was really neat, too bad my German is not great, I couldn't say much too him. My 2 original goats would follow me when they were young, but then they discovered the buffet of green on the farm was much better than running.

Finished up the week with:

Friday - 7 shod trail miles. Heat training in the mid-day.

Saturday - 2.5 sandal miles. A new animal record. 7 dogs and 2 goats. The goats paced much better. I need to train them not to get in front of me. It was like drunk running to avoid them or a football player doing the tire drill. If I count the 1 mile of side stepping, I could count 30 miles for the week.:)
Race went well!! I was planning on just going moderate this year due to lack of training, but I just felt good and went with it. 18.12 miles in 2:15 that actually bests my fastest 1/2 marathon pace I think, 7:28 pace. I'm hurt'n today. All I ran prior was 5 mile run Tuesday so 23.12 miles for me this week. I'm on vacation and probably wont run again for a few days, we'll see. Full race report is forthcoming, and my folks made it and took some pics.
[quote="rickwhitelaw, post: 175070, member: 2293"
Wednesday morning - 3.5 barefoot miles. As I was leaving the yard two young goats escaped their pen. Not wanting to go back and put them away I decided to see what they could do. They kept up for a while, but then started falling behind so I had to cut my route short. Must have been a sight. Barefoot guy, 5 dogs, 2 goats.


hahaha Running with goats! Since we've raised goats, I can picture it well!

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