Injured foot over the weekend

Took a knock to the top of my foot while moving a heavy stage section. Guy I was helping pushed as soon as I lifted, so the leg of the stage hit smack dab in the middle of the top of my foot about 2 inches up from the second and third toes. Left a scratch, but didn't draw blood. No real pain, but I could tell there'd be some bruising and life did not disappoint; and thus I have some purple spots at the base of my toes and some swelling to the whole top of my foot which was totally expected.

However this brings me to the crux of my problem. Although I am now icing the area to reduce swelling, I have to wear closed toed shoes to work, and the KSO's I have been wearing to work now (I get comments of course, but so far I haven't been banned from wearing them) are a bit too confining from the swelling, and when I kick them off at the end of the day I see impressions in the top of my foot.

I would like to ask folks around here to recommend a minimal shoe that covers the top of the foot, but not as confining as the KSO so I can avoid wearing foot coffins. I wish I could just wear huaraches or something since my foot swelling wouldn't be a problem, but alas not to be. I was thinking of the Zems, but they may be as constrictive as the KSO, but not sure. My problem will likely be gone before I get these new shoes, but always good to have a plan for "next time". Thanks!

if you don't mind dropping

if you don't mind dropping the cash, I've been wearing trail gloves to work for months now and they seem to be just fine since they look like a normal shoe. Plus you can loosen the laces as much as you need to. Be sure to try them on and walk around a bit though before buying, as people seem to either love them or hate them. the tough glove looks more like a work shoe, if you need to go that direction.
You should go to Walmart or

You should go to Walmart or Kmart and get a pair of water socks/aqua shoes. They're mega cheap, ultra flexible, and you can have them for winter-time, if/when you need them.
Thanks for the suggestions!

Thanks for the suggestions! Looks like I have some researching to do, but I'd rather have a short list to work with considering the increasing numbers of new minimal shoe offerings. The Merrells do look a lot like regular shoes, and if my boss ever finally lays down the law, he could hardly complain about something that looks like any other sport shoe being worn around the place, but I do like the inexpensiveness of the aqua since this is, hopefully, temporary. Then again, my wife hates the "toe shoes", so maybe this mght be a bigger decision than I thought. LOL. :-D

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