Any other pescetarians here


Feb 16, 2012
Sudbury, MA
I'm not a total pescetarian, BTW. Here's a summary of what I do/don't eat:



Turkey (Thanksgiving only)


Almond Dairy

Egg Whites

Any fuit/veggie you can name


Quadrapeds (pork, beef, etc.)

Egg Yolks

"Real" Dairy
That's me.  90% of my meat

That's me. 90% of my meat intake is fish and shellfish and I avoid dairy about 90% of the time.

Though I will eat other things for special occasions and while eating out.

I used to eat egg whites but gave those up as well because over time I could tell that they did not make me feel that well when I ate them.

My reasons for doing it relate more to digestive ease, then anything else. Fish and shellfish are super easy on my digestion. Beef and pork totally bind up my guts. Fowl is "ok" as long as I only eat it occasionally, but if I ate it every night it would eventually kick my ass, too. The flow of poo is the number one most important aspect to good healh, in my opinion.

Secondly, red meat (and most dairy) is high in cholesterol and cutting it out helped lower my borderline high cholesterol.

Dairy will cause alternating constipation and diahrrea -wreaking havoc on the good gut bacteria. Humans lack the enzyme necessary to digest dairy because...we aren't cows.

I jokingly refer to myself as a "pestarian" -aren't I funny? :)

Many people will say "I don't have a problem eating 'XYZ' " -but you wouldn't know the difference if you've eaten it all your life (I grew up on a farm). It wasn't until I stopped eating it that I realized how bad it had been making me feel and the detrimental effects it had on my body. Now, when I try to sneak some dairy in -I immediately notice the difference, in both blatant and subtle ways.