An interesting new (symetrical) pain


Nov 7, 2011
I understand by now that adapting to barefoot running is a multi-year process. I've heard folks say that calf pain can be oddly timed and recurrent.

But if anyone has any ideas about this, I'm all ears.

For the last few runs, barefoot or barefoot-style shod, I've had pain in both calves in an odd place - on the upper part of my calf, on the outside. It's not a joint pain - my knees feel fine. If you run your fingers up the outside of you calf, there's a knob on the top of outside calf bone - the pain is *just* below that. It can be that kind of pain that you can't run through, because it feels like it could make you collapse. But the moment I stop running, it goes away. It's never sore, it doesn't hurt the next morning, it feels fine when I start running, it feels fine now. About 2-3 miles in... bam. It's slightly worse on my left leg, but it occurs in both legs, at approximately the same time.

I think it's worse when I run more slowly, but in 90+ degree heat, to keep my heart rate reasonable, I have to run more slowly.

I've been barefooting/barefoot-style shod running - about 50/50, for about a year. I suspect this is just another tweaky pain I'm going to work through - my calves have always been un-spectacular (my wife used to say I had chicken-leg, although I don't anymore thanks to the BF running).

It's a dull, but convincing pain (I don't know how else to describe it). It feels a lot like the shin splints I used to get in cushioned high heel shoes, but on the back/outside/top of my calves. But again, it takes a couple of miles to get to it, and it stops a soon as I do.

I'm going to try rolling it next time. And, I think I'm going to alternate running faster and walking, and running on the grass, until the heat comes down a little. It's hot as hell here in Maryland, even at 8 o'clock at night.

I haven't had that, although that's definitely a part of the body that you work running barefoot. Is it a sharp pain, or could it be a muscle fatiguing to the point of collapse? Also, when did you start running barefoot?
Don't forget about the Ask the Docs forum too. You can post there as well. Hope you feel better.
Yea, but that might not be okay. It could turn into where you can only do 1-2, then 0-1. Be careful out there.
Oh, and I think what little I understand about ITBS is that it can be cause by muscle imbalances. If you can strengthen the right areas, then you can overcome ITBS. That's my limited understanding though, so be sure to check with the Docs at the Ask the Docs forum.

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