11 Running Records That Will Blow You Away

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
10. Barefoot running

If you have sensitive feet, barefoot running might sound like an incredibly uncomfortable run to you, but many argue that running barefoot is actually quite healthy and can even improve performance.

Wayne Botha is the world record holder in barefoot running. He covered approximately 211 km within 24 hours without shoes in Auckland, New Zealand — the farthest distance someone has run barefoot. He also set another record for the fastest 100 kilometers barefoot run with a time of 8 hours and 49 minutes.

In 2021, Norwegian runner Jonas Felde Sevaldrud broke Win Hof’s previous world record for the fastest half-marathon run barefoot on snow. He ran 13.1 miles (21.08 km) in 1 hour, 44 minutes, and 58 seconds

11 Running Records That Will Blow You Away - - Grupo Saedal
Grupo Saedal
At the age of 101, he ran his last race in Hongkong. ... He also set another record for the fastest 100 kilometers barefoot run with a time of 8 ...