Wall Street Journal

I don't see the wrong in respecting someones rules and just go with it, instead of fighting it.
Because I am successful in approximately 90% of my barefoot challenges with the owner usually pleased that I enlightened them. Even Mr. Toe explosion was happy with me .....until the WSJ called and wanted him on the record. This was one of my 90 percenters , but is probably going to have to be switched to the 10% column.
Because I am successful in approximately 90% of my barefoot challenges with the owner usually pleased that I enlightened them. Even Mr. Toe explosion was happy with me .....until the WSJ called and wanted him on the record. This was one of my 90 percenters , but is probably going to have to be switched to the 10% column.
I agree, a lot of people are perfectly willing to hear alternative viewpoints, so it's worth a try. If someone puts up resistance to my complaint about some arbitrary rule, I usually let it go, especially if they're a cop (feast on that last clause's agreement structure, grammar police!). But on the whole, I think it's very worthwhile pushing for an expansion of freedom and civil liberties, while at the same time agreeing with others that ultimately, if it's private property, it's their prerogative to set the standards, unless, of course, you absolutely are unable to wear footwear of any kind, in which case it would be discrimination, right?

I'm a home-gymer these days, but aren't there at least a few gyms out there that are barefoot-friendly? What if you went to a serious lifters' gym instead of a health club or fitness center?

If you fart while doing deadlifts alone in your own garage, do they still make a smell?

I wonder if anyone would complain if I ate with my hands in a French restaurant . . .

Only in places where shoes are the norm do the soles of the feet become vectors for every ill known to modern man.
Context is everything!​
In the few short months I've been running barefoot, I've learned that I have to develop thicker skin in more places than just my feet.
Good one!
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I love being barefoot as much as possible. I guess this comes down to my own personal mental insecurities, because there is no way I could be in a gym barefoot without someone at least being barefoot as well. I can't stand to have attention drawn to me (this continues to be a major issue for me at races) so being the only person barefoot in a public establishment would make me extremely uncomfortable. I don't see the wrong in respecting someones rules and just go with it, instead of fighting it.
I understand what you are saying, as far as not being belligerent, but since gyms are businesses and those who go there are customers, it should be okay to speak up about preferences, don't you think. It is done all the time in the "market place" in general. That is one way we get what we want for our money. As far as the feeling of standing out goes, I don't make my choices to draw attention, but if they happen to, I try not to worry about it, as well as be willing to explain if someone is interested. As a mother of 7 kids that we did take out in public, I may have already worked through this prior to barefoot running.... There is always something for others to gossip about if they want to. Human nature. Meanwhile, I intend to enjoy what I think are good choices for me as best I can. :)
Today I stretched and abbed barefoot on the floor, and really didn't plan on going back to Feelmax Pankas, so I ran outside from the club front door through their neighborhood and back. Only in the twenties, no frostbite/ no vapor lock.
Don't want to push my luck though!
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I can't stop laughing! Just somehow using the artists rendition of your feet cracks me up. :hilarious:

So will it make you cry if I use last Thursday's iphone shot the artist worked from instead?
Oh oh......in it you can see the bottoms of my jeggings that I pulled up for the pic. Those are my stealth long pants I wore for the gym 'mill. Light weight stretch jeans tight legged like the girls wear.
You can just imagine what the power lifters at the gym think of the old man in bare feet and skinny jeans!
Looking at the WSJ's "click here to enlarge shot" compared to the photo, they sure did get the shading right!
z410Kreal photo before dot (smaller file than real one).JPG zenlrged dot.JPG
I understand what you are saying, as far as not being belligerent, but since gyms are businesses and those who go there are customers, it should be okay to speak up about preferences, don't you think. It is done all the time in the "market place" in general. That is one way we get what we want for our money. As far as the feeling of standing out goes, I don't make my choices to draw attention, but if they happen to, I try not to worry about it, as well as be willing to explain if someone is interested. As a mother of 7 kids that we did take out in public, I may have already worked through this prior to barefoot running.... There is always something for others to gossip about if they want to. Human nature. Meanwhile, I intend to enjoy what I think are good choices for me as best I can. :)

7 kids! God Bless you and your family, that is awesome. I only have two and I feel it's a lot at times. I should just man up and embrace my barefootness more, and stop worrying about what other think.
Dr. Silverman comments
There is extensive scientific evidence that supports barefoot running, and there is absolutely no scientific evidence supporting a logical fear of barefoot activities.
The claims of increased risk of disease transmission are ridiculous. Disease transmission by hand to hand contact or hand to fomite (inanimate object) contact is astronomically higher.
Stopping these people from running on the treadmill simply because their bare feet are touching the machine is like telling someone they can’t hold dumbbells with their bare hands.
Related source: Wall Street Journal
Doctor Silverman is not a podiatrist, he is an MD who is a board certified orthopedic surgeon limiting his practice to the foot and ankle. You can't get much more expert than that! I commented at his blog on the website, as well as at the FB site for his office (easy to link to clicking the FB button on his website)
We should definitly post on both our appreciation of his public statement of what we've all known to be true.
TJ, maybe we could get him a stomp of approval!
See his actual blog post that included these comments here:
I am a sweater. Not as in "Mr. Rodger's cardigan," but as in, if I blink my eyes too vigorously, I can work up quite a lather.

When I work out at my gym, doing any sort of sustained aerobic activity, I am drenched in sweat by the time I'm done. And, usually, so is the equipment I am using.

Because of this (and because I was raised right), I am very careful to wipe down the equipment after I'm finished. Additionally, if I can, I choose equipment at the far end so as not to risk either inadvertently splashing my precious bodily fluids on others or, perhaps worse, risk offending others nearby with my copious excretions.

However, I still can't be absolutely certain that I've wiped away every last little bit of me from the machines, and neither can the next person using it. I would think that it's far more likely that I'd spread any unwanted germ through my perspiration than through the bare soles of my feet. After all, the next person using the treadmill more than likely will be wearing shoes, but almost certainly won't be wearing gloves.

Some people just refuse to employ any sort of logic to their attitudes or perceptions. I guess that's what makes the world such a shiny, happy place, full of shiny, happy people.:wideeyed:
You'll notice in the comments section it says there are two, yet only one pops up and is four months old. That's because a few minutes ago I had posted this:

........This M.D. seems to side with the 155 lb. hairless-footed dentist featured in the Wall Street Journal article.
http://blog.anklefootmd.com/2013/03/18/barefoot-runners-face-obstacles-during-winter-months/ ...............

which was showing up, but Hanna has already deleted my comment!
Edit: It's back now...maybe it was the host site and not Hanna that was to blame.
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Yes, it's back. Sorry Hanna, it wasn't your fault!
Hanna, smanna. Who cares what she thinks regardless? In her blog she acts all barefoot-friendly but then slams it.

And who is this Leo, Board? I saw the comment too.
And who is this Leo, Board? I saw the comment too.
Me. I had already FB pmd' her, emailed her, and FB friend requested her all friendly and light-hearted with no responses, so I figured I'd use a nickname on her blog.
I knew it was you. I was being facetious. :smug:
I thought that maybe you were thinking DiCaprio.
It was just
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He doesn't impress me for some reason. I don't think he's a great actor. I've tried to keep an open-mind and give him a fresh chance each time I've watched one of his movies, but still, I am unimpressed. Maybe he will grow on me. You never know.
I'd rather watch Longboard in a Longboarding movie than watch Leo in anything.
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I keep forgetting that he's not the real Frank Abagnale. As Frank, Leo had far better luck jumpseating than my son the REAL airline pilot ever did! And while Frank/Leo was cashing Pan Am paychecks he never really earned, my son was busting butt flying only to find his paychecks bouncing during his airline's bankrupcy reorganization period.
As for the rest of Leonardo's filmography.....dunno. Never really saw the majority of it.
And folks thought hookworm was a hijack!

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