Hair of the Dog 10k By Ramzev


Hair of the Dog 10kBy Ramzev
It was a dark and stormy night, except it was light...and sunny...and morning. For some reason, I and a few other Slower Lower Runners decided it would be a good idea to run 6.2 miles on New years Day. I got there around 8 a.m. for the 9:30 start to get my packet and to get a good parking spot, and the registration line was already getting long. I got my packet which included the normal random coupons for local businesses a reusable shopping bag, a pen, a sticker, a Cliff Bar, and a nice long sleeve tech shirt. I wandered around for a while and was impressed by the timing set up; there was a nice finish line set up on the boardwalk and monitors that would show your time as soon as you finished.

I heard the race coordinators expected around 150-200 runners. It was apparent very soon that they were going to get much more than that; they ran out of race numbers, went to their back-up stock of numbers, and ran out of those, they ended up writing numbers on paper with a sharpie to get everyone a number. At pre race announcements, they said they were at over 600 runners!

Temp at race time was probably around 45 and sunny; it was perfect running weather. The start was normal, just one block off the boardwalk heading south. The 10k runners started first, and we did a 2-mile loop that took us back through the start, which was pretty awesome because there was about 400 5k runners waiting to start their race cheering us on. As we were coming through, Tim the race director was commentating on the racers coming through the crowd; it was cool to have someone announcing that the barefoot runner was coming through! We remained in town until about mile 4 when we got onto Rt. 1 for the out and back portion.

I'm the barefoot guy in the pic, and yes, I did beat that guy in front of me.

Clubmate C.J. officially unofficially running.

The roads in town were decent for barefooting; there were a few spots that were stony but the roads were mainly closed, so it was easy to get around the stones. The highway was about the same except with 2-way runner traffic, it was a little more difficult to get around all the stones and the one patch of glass, but I got through unscathed. As I was heading back on Rt. 1, I had an eye on the road, and all of a sudden there was a hand heading for me; it was my clubmate Dona, running her first ever 10k, looking for a high 5.

The finish was cool, the last 1/4 mile was on the boardwalk, and there were lots of spectators cheering us on. They handed out finishers medals for the 10k, and the times were right there on the monitor. The after party had a great breakfast spread with bagels, eggs, sausage, and lots of 16-Mile beers.

My only complaint is with the timing company; they took well over an hour to get the times and awards straight, so a lot of people left without getting their awards is took so long. I did end up with 3rd in my AG! And the awards were the cute little dogs with medals.

All-in-all a great race, one I will probably run every year.


And a special congrats goes out to Dona who ran her first 10k!
My bad, I was in the moment when writing it and forgot all about the whole Shameless Self Promotion piece to make it an effective blog...47:04 official chip time.

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