First Spring Transition

This is my first spring back to barefoot after a winter. I'm trying to work up to running a whole 10K barefoot (did a couple of 5 Ks last year), which sounds wimpy after reading some of the other blog entries, and it's seems to be going slowly. I'm trying to remember that this time last year I wasn't running barefoot at all, so I'm ahead of where I was then. I have a tendency to push myself too hard too fast and get injured, so I need to err on the side of slow adjustment. I do quite a bit of swimming and cycling for cross training. Yes, I'm looking for encouraging words. I'm the only person I know that really runs barefoot, although I see people in minimalist shoes now and then around town. Here is my own blog entry about where I'm at now, if anyone cares to chime in:


I started running minimalist one year ago then switched to barefoot last July. My first minimalist 5k was last October and my first barefoot 5k was this February. I ran my first 8k in March (in socks that fell apart at some point). I was signed up for a 10k for Cinco De Mayo, but decided that I was going too fast, too soon, and I just changed it to a 5k. Like you, I strongly believe it is best to err on the side of caution. Slow and steady...cuz it would really suck to injure myself and have to take time off from running. One of my running buddies waited even longer than me to run anything over a 5k. Smart dude.

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