Weekly mileage 39th week of 2012

Bare Lee

Jul 25, 2011
Saint Paul
Today was my intervals and hills day. 4.1 miles overall, 3.2 running. Did eight 44o laps and was going to do at least four hill repeats but on my first climb my family met me at the top of the hill. They were there trying to track down the number of a friend who used to live there. So I walked the third of the mile home with them and called it a day. It was perfect fall weather. My best lap was the sixth, at 7:07 pace. Felt great to open it up a bit (while mindful of course that this is still a jogging pace for elite runners), and I like the textural variation the sandy gravel track affords. It tears up my feet a bit, but in a good kinda way. The goal is to slowly build up to around 6 miles overall on my intervals and hills day, while steadily increasing max pace, or maintaining max pace over more laps. The idea is that one recruits a greater amount of muscle fiber when one runs faster, and then once these fibers become used to being activated, they are recruited on longer runs as well, increasing overall endurance and pace and lessening fatigue. So goes the theory anyway. Mostly I just like to go faster once a week.
I'm shy Bare Lee, I'm shy.

15 miles yesterday. 8 minute pace - just enjoyed the beautiful day - low humidity, bright sun, mid-60s, lots of fine scenery.

Everyone's going to get very bored reading of my ''epic' 5 miles to, and 7 miles from, work on a near daily basis.
I'm shy Bare Lee, I'm shy.
I've always appreciated your demeanor Chris.

Everyone's going to get very bored reading of my ''epic' 5 miles to, and 7 miles from, work on a near daily basis.
Maybe just do weekly summaries of the commutes and describe the other runs? In any case, it's inspiring to hear about folks in their 50s running as well as you do. I'll never approach your weekly mileage, but I do hope to keep improving on pace and distance. The goal right now is to run 10 miles at 8mm pace within a year's time, or perhaps 7.5 miles in a hour a bit sooner.
.6 miles running, 1 miles walking, to and fro day care to pick up my toddling son. Perfect weather, wonderful feeling walking back with him clinging in my arms, content just to look around. Loving looks from passerbys. Did my lifts and rowing before heading out. I only slept fours last night though, so it was a challenge to get through my workout. Now I'm feeling a little 'fitness sick'--that rundown feeling that would manifest itself as an outright cold if I weren't in decent shape, but is just a feeling of exhaustion and a bit of a sore throat that will probably disappear if I can get a good night's sleep in.
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1.6 barefoot miles today. The plan was to do 2, but inside of a half mile I was feeling really weak so at the 0.8 mile mark I decided to just turn it around and head home and to the gym. This diet is going to be difficult until my body adjusts. Not used to bonking like that only a half mile in.
eeked out a barefoot 4 mile tempo run at a pretty consistent 8:50/mile pace. Level ground, but some rough asphalt and a teensy bit of waiting to cross a couple of streets. After yesterday's swimming a mile (drills and sets), stationary bike for 45 minutes, and weeding big weeds for 2hours, I'm pleased, even if it is a bit slower than I was doing before my late summer injuries. :barefoot:
3.17 miles. Felt rundown all day after only sleeping six hours (I had intended to sleep in, but fam prevented that) and having a bit of a sore throat, but I went out for a run anyway. Glad I did. I intended to do a LS 8-miler, but just did three miles down by the Mississippi. I managed a 8:30 mm pace overall, and dipped below 8mm on the first mile. I think the speed work is working. But according to Garmin, I'm only doing either a fast jog or a slow run.
4 miles bf, awful. Tried to see if I was just too much of a weenie or I could deal with one of my fav. 4 mile routes bf. The answer is NO. Crumbly asphalt patch and gravel on top of chip seal that has all the chip and none of the seal. My form was terrible. Ever 100 yrds or so had to stop to try to extract some of the asphalt and sharp stones out of my feet. Mostly was unsuccessful and had to pull them out at home. Ran in the weedy/stony/sharp pointy grass shoulder for the last mile cuz i couldn't take it any more. Averaged ridiculously slow pace. The good news was that since it was evening and I had only had about 5 hrs of sleep in the last 36 hrs, at least i didn't work too hard aerobically.

0.5 miles back and forth to the gym on my lunch hour so I could get some strength training in.
8 glorious miles at sunset in the most bucolic setting: empty fields, woods, hobby farms with a few cows or horses. (huaraches. passed the nasty route and was glad of my sandals.

3.1 miles, in huaraches, before dawn, wanted to do 5, but ran out of time and made it a 5k instead.

Wish me luck! I'm goign to try to swim lap(s) tonight while my kids are in class. Gonna try to work on technique (never any swim lessons, but I want to get to the point where I can do laps. can do a front crawl, but i'm sure it aint pretty)
4 miles bf, awful. Tried to see if I was just too much of a weenie or I could deal with one of my fav. 4 mile routes bf. The answer is NO.
As I found out several weeks ago on my maiden hardcore gravel run, some surfaces just aren't worth it. You have to go so slow you might as well be walking. It's a good barefoot challenge, but not very satisfying qua run.
Wish me luck! I'm goign to try to swim lap(s) tonight while my kids are in class. Gonna try to work on technique (never any swim lessons, but I want to get to the point where I can do laps. can do a front crawl, but i'm sure it aint pretty)
Good luck! They say it's the best overall exercise around, but I'm a real crappy swimmer--didn't learn really until I was 24, in the inviting (and buoyancy-friendly) waters of the Caribbean. I too have toyed with the idea of teaching myself how to swim better, at some point before my life is over. Just not yet . . .
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Monday: 4.15 mile part trail and road night run cooler temps. Working towards those below zero adventures starting soon.
Tuesday: 5.15 mile run at lunch, followed by a 9 mile night run at 2 degrees with no light, but the cops did flash me with a spot light once, almost stubbed my toe. It was like they never seen somebody running around at 11:30 at night with no shoes before, sheesh.
Wednesday: Looks like I am taking a day off, watching a friend's kid while she goes to the Rush concert.

Just as a side note, Saturday I completed a 50 km adventure race including canoeing, mountain biking, running, bushwacking and orienteering in the Whiteshell in Eastern Manitoba. Here is a picture of me and one of my teammates, also barefoot on top of a boulder that we had to climb up (Rock is about 12 feet tall where we are standing). All the running and bushwacking and part of the biking was done barefoot. Awesome time.
Big Freaking Rock.jpg
1.7 miles barefoot walking yesterday to pick up the kids from day care and kindergarten, after a very satisfying weights and rowing session. It was too beautiful out to use the car, but my wife ended up meeting us as we were coming out of the elementary school anyway, so we drove the last few blocks home with our naughty neighbor boy. I listened to an old free-jam we recorded back in 1999 while walking. It was a very nice soundtrack to the cinematic fall colors beginning to turn in my cozy little bourgeois neighborhood, while looking down from time to time on my toddler son who was also marveling at the sights slowly passing by.
6.5 mi in about 44 degrees F. shoulda been warm enough in my sandals, shorts and a long sleeve, but the thick fog right at ground level kept me chilly.
woulda been 7 miles, but some barking dogs (who I wasn't sure were tied up) informed me that i was at my turnaround point.
Monday: 4.15 mile part trail and road night run cooler temps. Working towards those below zero adventures starting soon.
Tuesday: 5.15 mile run at lunch, followed by a 9 mile night run at 2 degrees with no light, but the cops did flash me with a spot light once, almost stubbed my toe. It was like they never seen somebody running around at 11:30 at night with no shoes before, sheesh.
Wednesday: Looks like I am taking a day off, watching a friend's kid while she goes to the Rush concert.

Just as a side note, Saturday I completed a 50 km adventure race including canoeing, mountain biking, running, bushwacking and orienteering in the Whiteshell in Eastern Manitoba. Here is a picture of me and one of my teammates, also barefoot on top of a boulder that we had to climb up (Rock is about 12 feet tall where we are standing). All the running and bushwacking and part of the biking was done barefoot. Awesome time.
View attachment 897

You are soooo cool. I would tots fan you if you had a fan page
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1.7 miles barefoot walking yesterday to pick up the kids from day care and kindergarten, after a very satisfying weights and rowing session. It was too beautiful out to use the car, but my wife ended up meeting us as we were coming out of the elementary school anyway, so we drove the last few blocks home with our naughty neighbor boy. I listened to an old free-jam we recorded back in 1999 while walking. It was a very nice soundtrack to the cinematic fall colors beginning to turn in my cozy little bourgeois neighborhood, while looking down from time to time on my toddler son who was also marveling at the sights slowly passing by.

Gorgeous weather in the midwest lately, right?
Glad you're getting out to enjoy it.
Early color change is my favorite time of the year.
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