Member Profile of the Week - Robin (Norm, a.k.a., Deplume) Robinson


BRS Member Profile of the Week - Robin (Norm, a.k.a., Deplume) RobinsonA Sense of Humor to Boot
BRS Member, Robin Robinson, but you know her as Norm, Norm Deplume, Mrs. Deplume, Mrs. Davie Deplume, is 37, and for the past 4-1/2 years has lived in Eureka, Illinois, with her husband Chris and their two children. Now how did a girl named Robin find a guy with the last name Robinson? That’s what I want to know. She lists her pets as “our cat Penny and her cat Yoda.” Too funny.
Robin admits, “I am pretty unable to be serious for more than about 20 minutes at a stretch. Even in the darkest of times, I have an intense need to crack a joke to lighten the mood.”Robin has attended Illinois Central College and Illinois Wesleyan University and has earned a BS in Religion. She likes to knit and crochet and work on fixing up “our fixer-upper of a house.” Robin works for a small newspaper company as a Proofreader of foreclosure & probate notices. She says, “It’s mind numbingly tedious and boring, but I work from home, so that’s a plus.”Robin is not only new to barefoot and minimalist running but running as well, as she’s been running now for just over a year. She says, “My husband has been running for a couple of years and convinced me that I might like it--I had always been a hard-core anti-runner, so this was a big shift for me.” After just a month of starting to run, she developed shin splints. I bought $120 motion control shoes [which] didn't help, although they were prettier than my old shoes. Because I'm a hardcore google addict, I started searching for less-traditional ways to relieve my pain. I had done plenty of stretching and icing and resting, and my shins were not getting better. If I ran, I made them worse.Somewhere along the line my googling landed me on one of the barefoot running websites, and the rest is history.” At least she got started off on the right bare foot.She enjoys running because “It gets me outside of my house walls and lets me sweat out some stress. I like to get out there and sweat a little bit with no one asking me to do anything but run. It is a good ‘reset button’ for my day.” She adds, “And running allows me to eat things like donuts and bacon sometimes without growing out of my trousers.”When asked what running barefoot and/or minimalist meant to her, she responded, “Firstly, it means that I can run. I tended to heel-strike so severely in shoes that I hurt myself.It is also just more fun. I love the feel of the different surfaces:cool dirt of trails on a hot day, warm blacktop on a chilly one, brick sidewalks, magnolia petals (that's a dangerous one-- those suckers are slippery!), the funny looks from people and their pets as I jog past without shoes is a bonus.Last, it's really lovely to have one less thing to have to put on before a run: Garmin, Sansa, shades, water, out the door. Never have to stop to re-tie a shoe, either. (I do run in VFFs rather often, but they aren't nearly as fun as true barefoot, in my experience.)”Her most memorable running experience was the first time she ever ran on a trail. She says, “The first time I ran a trail was fun. I was on a regular road run, and as I ran past an entry to the Frisbee golf course. I decided to turn in. It was a blast, and I was immediately hooked. Unfortunately, there are less than two miles of trail at the lake, so off-road running is pretty limited without getting into the car first.”When asked why she joined the Barefoot Runners Society, she says, “I joined the BRS because all the cool kids were doing it.”
Born and raised in NY (born in Brooklyn, 1963; raised in Pearl River, Rockland County); moved to Germany with my German wife, Brigitte, in Dec. 1995; been here ever since. We had a kid, Isabella, in Oct. 1999 and she's doing great! :-)
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