"It's illegal to drive barefoot!"


Jul 9, 2013
I finally got to hear this last evening. As two other people and me were leaving to go home, I had my xero shoes tucked in the back pocket of my shorts and person A noticed my feet were bare and said, "Do you have your sandals?"

I said, "Yeah, in my back pocket." I put the bag that I carry my bowling ball in on my shoulder and walked towards the door.

Person A exclaimed, "It's illegal to drive barefoot."

Person B voiced agreement to that.

I said, "No, it's not illegal. I suppose there's the possibility a cop might try to cite you for some sort of reckless driving if he observes you're barefoot, but there are no laws against barefoot driving."

And with that, I went out the door following Person B and her friend as they went to go to their car and I went to mine. Now, sort of interesting is that Person B was wearing a pair of flip-flops, but flip-flops that looked like they had a sole maybe 1.5 inches thick. She actually stumbled a bit on the driveway from the way the sole caught the surface.

I said, "It would probably be better to drive barefoot than in those flip-flops." To which she agreed. She wasn't driving anyhow, but it certainly might make someone think about the dilemma she might have been in if there was actual law against driving barefoot, and she was driving and her only pair of shoes were those. It seems like she would have had more potential problems with handling the brake and accelerator wearing those than she would have if she were to go barefoot.

I wonder if any of them bothered to google whether or not it is illegal to drive barefoot.

Now, of course, absence of evidence isn't actually evidence of absence, but so far in the times I've gone googling about barefoot driving, I've still yet to come across a solid specific reference to any local municipalities have ordinances against barefoot driving. But still, the lack of any of those lead me to believe there are no laws against barefoot driving at federal, state, or local level, or if there are any at the local level, they are effectively dormant and not ever used.
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They should have laws against wearing high heeled shoes while driving. Just sayin'.
Well, I don't know. It might be if a person got into a flaming wreck and the doors got stuck, they could use the high heel to punch a hole through the windows to get out. So maybe we should pass laws mandating stiletto heels for everyone while driving. And of course you would want to be wearing them so they don't just rattle about in the car somewhere out of reach if you get into that flaming wreck.
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I have a somewhat odd sense of humor that probably all too often is only amusing or funny funny or funny strange to me. I suppose what has impressed me most as I've thought about some of the issues is that there is a whole lot of spurious reasoning going to justify shoes or to justify beliefs in urban legends about shoes such as the it's-illegal-to-drive-barefoot. So your post about maybe heels should be banned made me try to think of justifications for wearing high heels while driving. Imminent danger or fear is always a good motivator and we see that a lot in the spurious reasoning for shoes (broken glass! hypodermic needles! exploding feet if not tightly laced!).

So that's what leads me along into those occasional short and absurd rants. I'm just trying my best to being fully human that way, I suppose.
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I have a somewhat odd sense of humor that probably all too often is only amusing or funny funny or funny strange to me. I suppose what has impressed me most as I've thought about some of the issues is that there is a whole lot of spurious reasoning going to justify shoes or to justify beliefs in urban legends about shoes such as the it's-illegal-to-drive-barefoot. So your post about maybe heels should be banned made me try to think of justifications for wearing high heels while driving. Imminent danger or fear is always a good motivator and we see that a lot in the spurious reasoning for shoes (broken glass! hypodermic needles! exploding feet if not tightly laced!).

So that's what leads me along into those occasional short and absurd rants. I'm just trying my best to being fully human that way, I suppose.
I see I'm not the only one who writes a book in responses... :D
a woman wearing high heels should just be a sign she wants to put her feet in the air. :cool:
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Do we need Moderators here? See, there's a reason why Mike isn't a Moderator.
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normal is so boring. i said nothing bad. i just left room for thoughts to dwell.
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When I was working in Brazil some years ago i was hanging out with a cop. Usually on weekends we would go to the beach and drink some beers. Always he would drive home after some 8-9 beers in a day. One day he said it was my turn. I'm brought up in Sweden were cops are straight and you cannot drink one beer and drive. So reluctantly I sat down to drive. Then he pointed at my flip flops and told me that it was illegal to drive in them.

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