Thanks Button

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
On the new site, would you all like to see a Thanks button for when you would like to thank someone for their post? It's sort of like a Like Button.

I'm not sure I'm "liking" it, but maybe you will.

(I post this here in the main forum to get the most feedback.)
is it a "like" button? if so

is it a "like" button? if so could it be a plus 1? saying thanks, hmm, i don't know. doesn't seem right if you want to say you like what they said. maybe i need to see it though to get a better idea.
Why not an array of response

Why not an array of response buttons?




Hear! Hear!






...or you could give folks an opportunity to design their own reponse buttons of varying length and open content. What an idea!
I want a "foot five" button.

I want a "foot five" button.
I'm with Polar on this one.

I'm with Polar on this one. I'm on a bunch of forums and many have things like that, reputation, and so on. To me its just extra stuff that can even be a bad thing in some circumstances. All you need is the 'reply' button and you can type whatever you desire. But no biggie either way.
Welcome back, Nyal!

Welcome back, Nyal!
I vote for unnecessary.But a

I vote for unnecessary.

But a "What are you wearing?" button would be neato!
Karen's funny.Ram's sick.

Karen's funny.

Ram's sick.
Whacha meanin'?

Whacha meanin'?
Okay, so you wanted to eat

Okay, so you wanted to eat pig pods but no one would give you any. Huh? Enlighten this feable layman.
Sorry, faulty memory. I

Sorry, faulty memory. I remembered the guy eating the pigs' husks.

But hi!