Stage 1 of "the plan", day 10.

Following yesterdays 610 meter barefoot walk on an outdoor tarmac / grit cycle track...

On the walk to school (in Evos/socks) with the kids I noticed a bit of "soreness" on the ball of my feet (near the toe next to the biggie). It is in both feet, it's fairly mild but makes me wonder if I should skip the rough stuff today.

Later; I walk to the bank (about 15 mins away, in the Evos again) and I can still feel that mild soreness. It's nothing too bad and it does not get worse but the fact I can feel it suggests I should skip a proper outside barefoot walk today so that's what I'm going to do.

I will carry on barefoot about the house.

If anyone is familiar with that soreness (on the ball of the foot along the bit that heads for the toe next to the big toe) I would be interested in your thoughts. I am assuming that's it's normal & it's just my feet adjusting. Any other thoughts?


I'm new so dont really know why you would be getting pain there but I admit to having similar pain at that location if I push too far. Also when I go completely barefoot rather than in by VFFs that is the only spot I get blisters so I know its form related, at least for me.
The pain seems to have gone following my day off from the rough stuff.

Stage 1 of "The Plan", day 11.

Well, my youngest is off school with a sicky today and it's now raining so, it looks like another day off (except for BF about the house).

I notice that my feet do look different with a slightly rougher sole and all is well. :)
I have found that the Evo shoes are rubbing my heel tendon even more - I had been hoping this would go away but no sign yet. I think I better get the mole grips out again! My experience with them is not a great advert so far. Like so many shoes, they look great but that's where the good stuff ends. I don't have an alternative to them yet so they have a stay of execution & a chance to prove themselves for a bit longer.

Hmmm, that soreness on the ball of my feet is back. It's not bad but it's there so I just walked barefoot around the house yesterday (day 12) but it did not go away and I am now back in socks today to try & play it safe even padding about the house.

The soreness thing on the sole of my feet is particularly irritating as I'm doing so little. I wonder if anyone else here is doing things so slowly! Now I have the socks on I can't feel the soreness at all so I do feel that it should be gone soon. I do hope so, I so want to get on with the running bit. It's so hard to resist the temptation to just get out there... arrrrgh!

I will just have to keep reminding myself of all the TMTS :( in the past :)
The strange sensation on the balls of my feet looks a little like the descriptions of Morton's neuroma. Do I really have to now battle between heelies & plantar fasciitis or barefoot & MN?

I don't actually know if this (MN) is the problem or not yet but I think my feet have the profile for mild MT. Is going BF now just going to make the MN kick in faster, all that pounding...?

I have been in socks around the house today (in the hope my MN like sensation get better) and I put the dreaded heelies on outside as the Evos have been rubbing too much. On the plus side I visited a Terra Planna factory outlet in Brighton & it turns out that (at the moment) you can buy & try a shoe and the return within 7 days if you don't like it. I picked up something I thought would be OK for casual but on my stroll down to the sea front noticed that it seemed to have arch support so I took it back & got a refund. Of course I can't do this with the Evos as I bought them direct. This is wrong I think, there needs to be a try & return option from where ever you get any shoes from. I guess if you're a shoe manufacturer you'll have plenty of ammo to say otherwise but if you want happy punters...

So, tomorrow I should be able to move onto stage 2 of "the plan" but now I don't know what to do with this MN-ish thing. Arrrgh. I suppose I have to be sensible & wait for... well if it doesn't go then what?


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