Resting is healing... and driving me nuts!

It is also leading to a change of plans...

I had intended to run 10 to 12 miles a week and slowly increase to 15 to 20 over the course of three months with no other form of exercise. That was working out fine and dandy until I got a bit ambitious and tacked an extra two miles on to my previous long run (5 miles) a bit too soon.

Well, my knee was sore after 11 in just under 48 hours, and I seem to be dealing with a bout of patellar tendonitis. It has certainly gotten better over the last 11 days of rest, but I want to run so freakin' bad! I don't want any more R.I.C.E.! Okay, so I am not actually Compressing it, but that is besides the point.

In all of the information that I have perused concerning this speed bump some amount of strength training has been encouraged... Thus doth swing the pendulum to the opposite extreme. In other words, my mother's tendency to be all in or all out made an impression on me, for better or worse.

For the most part, when I consider strength training I am only interested in bodyweight workouts. That combined with my curiosity concerning the hundred push up program and its siblings has brought me to my next overindulgence. My new endeavor is to start the Hundred family of programs and follow them on off days as a supplement to my running which I hope to be able to resume this weekend. I also want to finish each workout throughout the week with yoga.

Personally, I am inclined to prioritize the yoga over the lovely family Hundred, but I'll cross that bridge if I have to later. That way I can cut my losses and run.

Gracia y paz,

Alejandro 10

Another Village Idiot


I feel your pain, man. 10 weeks down with a left foot stress fracture when I was 2 months into transitioning into BFR was murder. But it's something you've just got to do. Pay your body now, or pay it more later, and probably again. Great idea to focus on strength training while you're down for running. I would suggest strongly you also find some alternate aerobic conditioning exercise you can do to keep the heart strong even if you geta little jellyish in the legs. Hang in there!
Yeah, this is my second barefoot related injury in 18 months, and the only one from "T.M.T.S." The first, well that was just sheer stupidity and not being aware. We'll see how well I have learned those lessons. The tendonitis seems to have calmed down enough to have a short run this weekend, but I am not pushing anything.

Although, it has taken some amazing self will not to try forcing things the last 12 days or so. My body, sans knee, and mind want to get out and run! I don't get the same contentment from laps in the pool anymore. Nonetheless, it is back to the pool this afternoon.

Gracia y paz,

The runner who does nothing, but run are the ones prone to injury. Running is super repetitive, and not good as your sole sport. You need cross training weights, biking, etc to put the body through diffrent movements. This keeps the body balanced, and encourages less injury. So you kind of set yourself up with only running.......I'm not sure what good being able to do 100 push ups is, but that is just me. I'm active with many activities, and injuries are very rare.
Yeah, it was a weak [i.e. ignorant] attempt at building up my aerobic base. As for the 100 push up program and the like they really are allarbitrary numbers and something different to complete.

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