Hello Fellow Barefoot Runners!

So hopefully I did all the stuff a new member is expected to do before they post here. I didn't find how to add to the member location may or enable any sort of chapter icon. But I joined up with the Washington chapter because, well, that's where I am!

I first tried barefoot running just under a decade ago. But then ended up moving and doing other things, so I just stopped. Not sure when exactly or if there was a why. Picked it up again, though where I live is not ideal.

Doing this despite lower back issues, knees that make funny noises when I go up or down stairs and being 300 pounds approaching 50! Had a really nice run Tuesday afternoon. I think I must have had the positioning right, because my knees where naturally flexing without pain, where normally I can't bend them at all.

Posted at NextDoor hoping to find some other runners to join me or that I can join. I wouldn't mind finding someone experienced in barefoot running, as Ken Bob teaches it, in my area. Studying what I can on YouTube for now and, of course, reading Barefoot Running step By Step.

Just an interesting side note... I found the book in one of the local "book boxes." I had read it before, from the library. But never had my own copy. I figured it was the Universe talking to me, as this is how it tends to communicate. So that's what started me up on this - that and sleep issues I hope to solve by getting some exercise.

So far just managing something like a 2-block circuit once a week.
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Welcome! Enjoy the journey as you increase your distance. Just be patient with the process and avoid doing too much too soon.

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